Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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ing on the floor and he was swinging the baton. Curt eyed the attractive girl, said to himself, "That's for me!" Curt climbed off the bandstand and cut in. He did some very fast talking. "You are very fresh, Mr. Massey," Edythe snapped. But Curt knew twenty-four hours later he had made a permanent conquest. Edythe was back in the ballroom; this time alone. Edythe and Curt were married a few months later. That was thirteen years ago. They have one child, four-year-old Stephan Austin. Shortly after his marriage, Curt suffered a nervous breakdown. The doctor ordered him to give up band work. The couple retreated to Roswell and spent a year on Dad Massey's ranch. But then came a wire from sister Louise. She and her brother, Allen, husband Milton Mabie and a young singer named Larry Wellington had formed a singing unit. Would Curt join? The Masseys and their partners clicked immediately on WLS, Chicago. They formed a corporation, rolled up an impressive recording library of western tunes. These discs are still being used on over 50 radio stations. Known as The Westerners, the singers soon went network, and radio veterans should remember their harmonies on the old Showboat, Plantation Party, Magic Key and Al Pearce shows. Two years ago, when Louise retired, the act broke up and Curt went solo again. A booking agent suggested to Curt that he enter the swoon sweepstakes and tussle with Messers, Crosby, Sinatra, Haymes, and Russell. Curt was signed by a sponsor. A summer replacement for the Andrews Sisters, Curt clicked solidly and stayed on the show when the rhythmic trio returned, as well as singing for his own show. RADIO MIRROR RECORD REFLECTIONS WOODY HERMAN (Columbia) Harold Arlen's touching ballad "June Comes Around Every Year" gets good grooving while the Herman herd riffs out "Northwest Passage" on the reverse. TOMMY DORSEY (Victor) Remember Hoagy Carmichael's strange rhythms of "Hong Kong Blues" in "To Have And Have Not." Well, T.D. spins it out in special style, pairing it with the theme song of another favorite flicker, "You Came Along." JOAN EDWARDS (Cosmo) The Hit Parade Stylist swings out with "Gotta Be This Or That" and a memorable oldie, "Don't Blame Me." XAVIER CUGAT (Columbia) The rumba king again demonstrates why he is top man with a maraca with this duo, "You Forgotcha Guitar" and "No Can Do." Lovely Leah Ray, long missing from radio and records, sings both sides and it's good to have her back. BETTY HUTTON (Capitol) Nail down the carpets and close the windows or La Hutton's exuberance may cause your neighbors to complain. "Doin' It The Hard Way" is the appropriate title for the "A" side. Toned down on the reverse, Betty turns on the nostalgic "What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes For" just as she does it in "Incendiary Blonde." *TkQd h \<rmi IS A SUM, TRIM BEAUTY NOW! Fat and forgotten a few months ago, Virginia Josselyn of Denver, Colo., loses 49 pounds, becomes poised and popular. "I know what it is to be 14, fat, and forgotten," says Virginia Josselyn. "I was left out of the parties a school girl loves. And no wonder. I weighed 164 and was getting heavier. Then, with Mother's approval, I started the DuBarry Success Course right at home. In three months I lost 30 pounds, in five months, 49 ! Now, at 115 pounds, my dress size is 9 instead of 20! My skin is smooth and lovely and I've learned the art of subtle make-up. "What a difference all this has made in my life. I've been to two formals— something for a freshman! My week is filled with dates and doings in the clubs and groups I now belong to. I have so much pep, I whiz through my housework in no time at all, then I'm off to go swimming, hiking, biking. You have made me a very happy girl, with a bright new future." A WORD FROM VIRGINIA'S MOTHER "For years we had been heartsick because of our daughter's handicap. I consulted our doctor about the Success Course, and he approved. She has completed it with such success, I can scarcely tell you how happy it has made us." Mrs. L. V. Josselyn. Before Above, Virginia j when her weight j was 16 i. Conscious of her I size, bad pos | ture, heavy hips and legs, she was ashamed to have pictures taken. Center, in three months, down to US, she kept on, to achieve correct proportions. At right, lovely Virginia today, weight now 115, slender, poised, happy, confident. After VIRGINIA'S ME/ > Before After Change WEIGHT 164 lbs. 115 lbs. -49 lbs. HEIGHT 5'23/4" 5'3" + V4" BUST 41" 34" -r WAIST 33V2" VW -9" ABDOMEN 38V2" 29" -w HIPS 46" 36%* -91/2" THIGH 28" 21" -7" HOW ABOUT YOU? Haven't you wished that you could be slender again, hear the compliments of friends, wear youthful styles, feel like a new person? The DuBarry Home Success Course can help you. Just five years ago, the DuBarry Success Course was founded, bringing to women all over America the methods taught by Ann Delafield at the famous Richard Hudnut Salon, New York. Since then more than 225,000 women and girls of all ages from 12 to 60 have followed this practical plan for achieving beauty and vitality. Ann Delafield, Directing The Course is intensely practical. It fits into your daily life. You get an analysis of your needs, a goal to work for and a plan for attaining it. You learn how to bring your weight and body proportions to normal, care for your skin, style your hair becomingly, use make-up for glamour— look better, feel better, be at your best. When the Success Course has meant so much to so many, why not use the coupon to find out, without the slightest obligation, what it can do for you? RICHARD HUDNUT SALON NEW YORK Accepted for advertising In publications of the American Medical Association j Richard Hudnut Salon I Dept. SZ-8, 693 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. I Please send the booklet telling all about the j DuBarry Home Success Course. r* Guaranteed by w ; Good Housekeeping^ Miss Mrs With your Course you re I Address ceive this Chest containing j a generous supply of Du J Barry Beauty and Make-up I City Preparations for your type, j _ _ _ _ State