Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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ANN RUTHERFORD glamorous Hollywood star featured in "Bedside Manner," an Andrew Stone Production FOR YOUR HAIR -tk, ugojir'namL So Clean... So Quick ...So Lovely... thanks to Blended Vegetable Oils Now— so effortlessly and with such ease— you can keep your hair lovely and bright— because GLO-VER Beauty Shampoo gives it "the shining beauty of captured sunlight!" No other shampoo can make your hair more lustrous, more natural-looking with sparkling beauty, more exquisitely soft, than GLO-VER. Contains cleansing agents made from blended vegetable oils that rinse out so effortlessly, without a trace of unsightly film . . . removing loose dandruff . . . leaving your scalp so clean your hair so brilliant! Ask for GLO-VER Beauty Shampoo at any Drug Store or Drug Counter today— or mail the Coupon. Your Hair will be Lovelier with Glover FREE TRIAL SIZE includes GLO-TEB Beauty Shampoo, Glover'soriginalMange Medicine and Glover's Imperial Hair Dressone complete application of each — with simple Instructions for the famous Glover's 3-Way Treatment and FREE booklet, "The Scientific Care of the Hair." MAIL COUPON NOW 12 Glover's, 101 W. 31st St. Dept. 5512, N.Y. I, N.Y. Send Free Trial Application package in plain wrapper by return mail, containing 3-Way Treatment in three hermetically-sealed bottles, with informative FREE booklet. I enclose 100 to cover cost ot packaging and postage. Americans who had a few feet of dirt to dig in, Tommy went in for Victory Gardening during the war, too. But Tommy's a very busy guy, what with rehearsals, camp shows, one night stands and theater and radio engagements. Tommy had to hire a man to plant his Victory Garden — and then had to keep him on hand to cultivate it. Not long ago, Tommy figured the whole thing out on paper and the cold hard numbers revealed that each tomato that came out of his garden cost him about six dollars. * * • Mrs. Alice Clements, the producer of the Children's Hour program, is a firm believer in starting young, if you want a career. And she ought to know. Look at some of the stars of today, who started out with her as kids — just to name a very few, Carol Bruce, Ann Sheridan, Ezra Stone, Yvette, Joan Roberts, Eileen Barton. » * * All honor to the women. Joan Davis, star of her own comedy program, has risen from a "second guest" billing in 1941 to the top of the heap in radio. She is now the highest paid woman entertainer and "package deal" executive in the industry. In case you have to have figures to prove that point, Joan gets paid $17,500 a week for her show as a "package deal," which means that she's the boss lady and pays her own salary as well as those of the orchestra, writers, actors and all the rest on the show. * * ■ * As assistant director of FBI in Peace and War, Betty Mandeville has turned in a couple of spectacular stunts. For instance: Donald Briggs was in the Army for five years. The day before the show returned to the air in the fall, the staff was in a dither. The show was ready — except for a leading man. On that afternoon, Briggs, who was still a lieutenant in the Army but in the process of being released, telephoned Betty, just to say hello and tell her he'd be around in a little while asking for a job. Betty had known him as an actor before he went into the . Army. She recognized his voice at once and it struck her as the exactly Tight one Name Address CUy Zone... for the leading man in the show. In a few minutes she had arranged an audition for Briggs, which he made still in his uniform. And Briggs walked out of the studio with a 45-week contract. Pretty and blonde, Betty may look quiet and gentle, but she has a mind that works like a hair trigger. * .. * * Until Bing Crosby straightens out his multiple incomes and tax problems, don't expect the Groaner to tie himself up with any long-term radio series. Because of the huge tax Bing must pay on his income, it has become unprofitable for him to engage in too many activities, and since Crosby has dedicated himself to a free and easy life he isn't going to knock himself out for substantial monetary gain. One prospective sponsor has been trying to woo Bing with a novel idea. He wants Bing to record a flock of programs in advance and then relax. Since NBC and CBS refuse to air recorded programs, this would mean that Der Bingle would wind up on ABC or Mutual. * * * All hope of getting Judy Garland her own air show evaporated with news that Judy is expecting a blessed event. * * * Staats Cotsworth used to think he was mighty busy, when he had only a few minutes to get from one broadcast to another. Now, he's working on a second-to-second basis. Cotsworth is the narrator on the C.M.H. program — that's the show that tells the stories of the men who've received the Congressional Medal of Honor — which is aired on Wednesdays at 11:30 P.M. But Cotsworth is also Lieutenant Weigand on the Mr. and Mrs. North opus, which goes on once at 8 P.M. on Wednesdays, but — and here's the catch — does a repeat performance for the West Coast at midnight. That leaves Staats with just about two seconds to get off the air on Singer Danny O'Neil and costar Jim Ameche welcome Elissa Landi as first guest on the CBS Powderbox Theater. Baby Snooks has thought up a lot of new ways to drive Daddy Hanley Stafford to madness on the CBS Fanny Brice Show. the C.M.H. show and on the air for the repeat performance. Happily, the two studios are practically next to one another— and, while it takes a bit of sprinting to get into the repeat show