Radio mirror (May-Oct 1935)

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Adelaide Klein (right) . . . dialect expert in French, Spanish, Italian, Yiddish, Russian, German, Irish, Negro . . . heard more often than not on March of Time, Death Valley Days, sustaining dramatics, True Story Hour . . . born in New York City, studied to be a singer . . . can't speak a foreign language. COLGATE'S HARBACH Harry Stockwell . . . guest star, on and off, on the Paul Whiteman show, has own WOR program . . . has been signed recently to go to Hollywood by M-G-M . . . sang last winter in the Broadway play "As Thousands Cheer" . . . married, born in Kansas City . . . once was a daily newspaper art critic. WHITEMAN GUEST STAR Betty Worth (below) . . . True Story Hour bad girl, has never been the heroine . . . born in New York, was educated in private schools and by tutoring . . . began her radio career on the March of Time . . . dyes her hair with great regularity . . . was in the "Follies." Right, John Barclay, Kenneth MacGregor, Jack Smart . . . star, director, actor for the Palmolive Beauty Box . . . Barclay, well known, is English, married . . . Smart is featured character specialist for Fred Allen . . . MacGregor, born in Massachusetts, former newspaper man, also controls destinies of Music at the Haydn's, Captain Henry's Showboat . . married to former NBC hostess, Sonia Brounov. BEAUTY BOX M M