Radio mirror (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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I II It O It VOL .3 NO • 1 NOVEMBER . 1934 JULIA SHAWELL • EDITOR BELLE LANDESMAN • ASSISTANT EDITOR WALLACE HAMILTON CAMPBELL • ART DIRECTOR I NEXT MONTH— The radio stars are buying babies for Christmas presents. Several prominent air celebrities have decided to adopt babies, among them Sracie Allen, Jack Benny and Jack Pearl. Next month we'll take you on a tour of the orphanages with them while they choose their new sons *«t" and daughters. Having no youngsters of their own, they plan to make the lives of at least three tiny tots happy and secure. Maybe you'll help them choose. Axcording to Helen Morgan, "a husband is a man through all the troubles you wouldn't have had if you hadn't married him." The beautiful torch singer shied away from marriage for years, then suddenly she became Mrs. Buddy Maschke. She has refused consistently to talk about her recent separation from her bridegroom, but in the December RADIO MIRROR she confessess all and tells you what this union did to her. Roxy is back on the air. For years ► his famous showman had one of the most important orograms on the wavelengths. Radio has changed • rnce he started broadcasting, and in his own story, signed by him he tells you what radio needs now jnd what he's going to do about it. a A few years ago they used to call Buddy Rogers "The flappers' darling." But the handsome young ■nan who gave up the movies and has gone in for a radio career is a changed person. Next month you'll meet the new Buddy and learn the amazing reasons for the change. The handsome bachelor on the airwaves, Everett Marshall hides his emotions with a casual air, but he comes out from behind the mask for me readers of RADIO MIRROR and reveals the facts :jbout his spectacular success and the truth about his own personality. Next month you'll learn what all the air famous do -hen they're not working; you'll hear about the surprising Q popularity of the Sinclair Minstrels and how they convinced a sponsor their type of entertainment was not outmoded; you'll read about James Melton, the boy from the South who's been wowing listeners-in; you'll ride the ranges with the cow-boy entertainers and you'll have all the latest news and gossip of the Pacific coast, the Middle West studios, the short waves as well as a gorgeous collection of new pictures. WATCH r-OR THE DECEMBER RADIO MIRROR. f e s Editorial 4 Too Many Blues Behind the Mikes By Mercury 5 Hot News and New Gossip of the Airwaves Gard's Chosen People By Gard 6 As a Caricaturist sees the famous We Have With Us 8 All your favorite radio programs are here A Thousand Penner Ducks . . . By Ruth Geri 12 For the Orphans' Thanksgiving dinners Hot and Airy By Mercury 14 The Switchman's Son Becomes a King. . By Charles J. Gilchrest 16 Wayne King's Express Ride to Success Fate Showered Gifts on Gladys Swarthout. .By Rose Heylbut 18 Why You Can Laugh Now with Walter O'Keefe By Herb Cruikshank 20 They Sing Their Love Song Every Day By Mike Porter 22 The romance of Ozzie Nelson and Harriet Hilliard Cinderella's Boyfriend By R. H. Rowan 24 Dick Powell's New Radio Career The Beautiful Stooge By Peter Dixon 26 Concluding Installment of this Radio Serial Radio Mirror's Gallery of Stars 29 When I Was in Jail By Irene Hubbard 34 Showboat's Maria's Experience with the Law He Plants Stars in the Ether Sky By Dora Albert 36 Paul Whiteman and the Winners He's Picked "Howdy Folks" By Maris Anne Lane 38 Revealing the Real Charles Winninger Winter Crowns for Arlene Francis 40 New Fashions in Hats On the Pacific Airwaves By Dr. Ralph L. Power 42 A Visit with Everett Marshall 44 When Autumn Comes 45 And Radio Stars Stay Outdoors What Do You Want to Know? By The Oracle 46 Radio Mirror Homemaking Department ... By Sylvia Covney Thanksgiving Dinner 48 Blonde or Brunette? 49 In the Stars' Kitchens Chicago Breezes By Chase Giles "Our Public" Broadcasting Dialing the Short Waves By Globe Twister SO 52 54 56 nd the contents of this magazine may not he reprinted either wholly or in part _•-! . 1 C ,L A «.._ rh..M_H«« V*w T»e«#>v KX( liool pcrmiai Publ&bcd monthly by Syndicate Maaazinc Corporation, Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. Executive and rditoril 6 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Bern;irr Macfadden President; Wesley F. Pape, Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Engel van Wise lie* krprrw-nMtivrs; ( ..rr.,11 Kh.inMrom, Adverting Director. Entered as second class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, eracy, ..T..lrr the At of M,r<h I. 1X7". Price in United States $1.00 a year; 10c a copy. In U. S. Possessions, Canada, Newfoundland, Cuba, itr.if.. ...a $I.S0 a year; all other countries $2.00 a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owners risk, >t.,rt will Im: nade I', return thine found unavailable if accompanied by 1st class postage. But we will not lie responsible for any losses of such iniirr contributed Contributori are especially advised to he sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking an unnecessary risk. Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. I .