Radio mirror (Nov 1934-Apr 1935)

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RADIO MIRROR famous from Maine to California, and especially at Atlantic City. This time the winsome Winninger was on tour with a medicine show, purifying local bloods with "Dr. Reichter's Teutonia." With the crowds gathered for songs, dances and witty sayings, Charlie would arouse the interest of the beaux and belles with his announcement of a contest to choose a fairest flower of the Southland. One bottle of the good, old Doc's reliable cure-all, meant one vote for the village siren. And, gosh, how the money poured in! /^kND speaking of cures in the cornbelt, best set down for the record that this same austere gentleman hurled some of the first custard pies known to history. 'Way back yonder in the "Naughty Nineties," those far-famed exponents of the drama, Messrs. Weber and Fields had a divertissement titled "The Corn Curers," and in this aesthetically named offering, Mr. Winninger hurled creamy confections with deadly and uproariously hilarious precision. But, after all, we mustn't blame it all on "Andy." He was just a chip off the old block, for Father Franz, who wanted his son Charles to be a padre, was the discoverer of the late handcuff king, Harry Houdini, and it is still rumored down Appleton, Wisconsin, way that Franz was a party to that little publicity stunt when Harry opened up the jail and the prisoners forgot to remember to come back! All this is "only the beginning, folks," as Cap'n Henry says. These were the Winninger wild oats, sown in the first flush of that youth so speedily following his birth on a May day, the twentyeighth to be precise, in 1884. After he married Blanche Ring, whom you remember had "rings on her fingers, bells on her toes, elephants to ride on," Charlie settled down to the serious business of "The Wall Street Girl" and "Claudia Smiles." Then he and Blanche played vaudeville dates until they tired of 'em, and Charlie gave an unforgettable impersonation of Leo Ditrichstein, the day's great lover. He played in "Friendly Enemies," in any number of "Follies" shows. He trouped for two straight years in "No, No, Nanette," with Beatrice Lillie in "Oh, Please!", in a Prohibition satire, "Light Wines and Beers," a piece called "The Broadway Whirl," and countless others. Yet, when Charlie first invaded Broadway, the celebrated and sarcastic critic, Alan Dale, wrote in his paper a mention of the Winninger histrionics, saying, "something with a German accent came on the stage!" But in spite of such an inauspicious start the boy from Black Creek, suburb of that thriving center of metropolitan art and letters, Green Bay, Wisconsin, delivered the well-known goods to the paying guests of theatre, screen' and radio. So. you see, neither you, nor Alan Dale, can always tell. AND for that German accent, Mr. Winninger can still turn it on as occasion requires, and he continues to hold fast to the idea that a lovable, ac HELP KIDNEYS ..acmt taAeafrutic (MUM Good Kidney Action Purifies Your Blood — Often Removes the Real Cause of Getting Up Nights, Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pains — Quiets Jumpy Nerves and Makes You Feel 10 Years Younger. A FAMOUS scientist and Kidney Specialist recently said: "60 per cent of men and women past 35, and many far younger, suffer from poorly functioning Kidneys, and this is often the real cause of feeling tired, run-down, nervous, Getting Up Nights, Rheumatic pains and other troubles." If poor Kidney and Bladder English Doctor Praises Cystex Doctors and druggists everywhere approve of the prescription Cystex because of its splendid ingredients and quick action. For instance, Dr. T. J. 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For men and women, Cystex is of importance in helping to regulate these Important functions, and particularly since it is safe and harmless, I am delighted to lend my name to indorse so meritorious a prescription." — Signed, T. J. Rastelli, M. D. functions cause you to suffer from any symptoms such as loss of Vitality, Getting Up Nights, Backache, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Lumbago, Stiffness, Neuralgia or Rheumatic Pains, Dizziness, Dark Circles Under Eyes, Headaches, Frequent Colds, Burning, Smarting or Itching Acidity, you can't afford to waste a minute. You should start testing the Doctor's Prescription called Cystex (pronounced Sisstex) at once. Cystex is probably the most reliable and unfailingly successful prescription for poor Kidney and Bladder functions. It starts work in 15 minutes, but does not contain any dopes, narcotics or habit-forming drugs. It is a gentle aid to the Kidneys in their work of cleaning out Acids and poisonous waste matter, and soothes and tones raw, sore irritated bladder and urinary membranes. Because of its amazing and almost world-wide success the Doctor's Prescription known as Cystex (pronounced Sisstex) is offered to sufferers from poor Kidney and Bladder functions under a fairplay guarantee to fix you up to your complete satisfaction or money back on return of empty package. It's only 3c a dose. So ask your druggist for Cystex today and see for yourself how much younger, stronger and better you can feel by simply cleaning out your Kidneys. Cystex must do the work or cost you nothing. Dr. T. J. Rastelli am ii Mil i Cystex [Say Siss-Tex] It's Guaranteed Cystex illUUll ^\JfPi^ ^ -* ^ » ■" 69