Radio Mirror: The Magazine of Radio Romances (Jan-June 1943)

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ing for someone important. The mere ringing of a doorbell is exciting. He was very handsome that evening, in his dress uniform. He had a big grin on his face as he greeted me and after a few words with Mother and Dad — they were impressed and didn't even try to hide it — he slipped his arm through mine and we started out. "Let's be alone tonight, Mary," he said. "No excitement, no music or dancing. Just — some quiet place?" "Anywhere you say, Gordon." I couldn't keep out of my voice the fact that all that mattered to me FEBRUARY, 1943 was just being with him, any place. He smiled. "You're swell, Mary. You know, all the time I was away, I was thinking about us, making plans — " We had dinner in a tiny restaurant and we talked about ourselves and the life we wanted. I discovered that all by himself he had worked out exactly the kind of house we'd have and where it would be built and just where each room would be placed. As we sipped our coffee, I noticed at a table across from us two familiar faces — Jane O'Brien, the receptionist at the studio, and Johnny Knight, one of the announcers. Johnny stands about five feet six and he's as chunky as a robin and lots of fun. Jane's a cute little redhead, awfully pretty, and always hunting for a new party or dance to go to. She loves good times. They saw me and waved and then they stood up and came over to our table. Johnny grinned at us like a bad boy. "Say — you don't mind if we break into your little romance, do you, Mary?" I smiled at him, "We'd love it, Johnny," I said. He was so much of a boy, looking for excitement, something to joke about. Gordon seemed a little cold as he shook hands with Johnny and smiled politely at Jane. I understood that, too. Gordon's leave wasn't terribly long and he wanted to be with me as much as possible. Alone, I mean. And yet, I couldn't tell Johnny and Jane that. "So this is the boy friend," Johnny said. "Nice girl you're getting there, Gordon. Look — how about you two coming along with us and we'll hit some of the high spots. How about it, huh?" Jane was eyeing Gordon as if she wanted to buy the uniform herself. "It certainly is beautiful," she said. "Don't pay any attention to her," Johnny said. "She likes anything in a uniform. Doesn't matter if it's a doorman or an usher or an admiral. All the same to her." Jane smiled. "How about it, folks? Coming with us?" Gordon had hardly spoken since they joined us. It was as if he'd frozen up entirely. Earlier, he'd been so wonderful and excited, telling me about himself, telling me how much he'd missed me. And now he sat there woodenly. I said, "Well, I don't know, Jane. It's so hard to say — " I looked to Gordon who turned his eyes away. "Anything you want to do, Mary," he said, stiffly. "Well," I said, "you folks will understand. Gordon and I — " "So that's the way it is!" Johnny slapped his hands together. "Let's have a drink on it. We'll celebrate." But I knew Gordon didn't want that. "Look, kids," I told them, "how about a rain check on the party? Gordon only has a short leave and — we've so much to talk over." They understood. They stayed a minute longer and then we all left and they went their way — on to the "high spots" as Johnny put it. Gordon was silent as we started home. I told him I was sorry they'd interrupted our evening, but they were my friends and I hadn't wanted to be rude if I could help it. "Oh, I understand that," he said. "Don't you worry. I think it's good you have friends, while I'm away. You don't want to be lonely. It's not good for you." Continued on page 55 41