Radio Mirror: The Magazine of Radio Romances (Jan-June 1943)

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He walked toward us, with his easy, self-assured smile. "Surprised you again, Alma." He turned to Andy. "Matter of fact, I surprised myself. I'd planned to leave today. But last night at the hotel, I got to talking, asking questions and the like — and decided Winston College might like to hear about a little idea of mine. So this morning I saw Dean Fuller and he gratified me very much by being very interested. I'm staying on." "You're — staying?" I repeated stupidly. "You saw — Dean Fuller?" He went on glibly talking about his little "idea" to Andy. I hardly listened. It was something about now that the college had been so hard hit by having its enrollments curtailed by the war, there was some property owned by the college that could be developed sufficiently to bring in a good income. . . . Andy heard him through, his intelligent gray eyes never leaving Jed's face. Finally Jed said, "There are some things I've got to talk over with you, Alma. If you're not too busy — " "I'm sorry," Andy cut in. "We are going—" "Please, Andy, I — let's make it tomorrow. I — I'll have to see Jed now — I'm terribly sorry." I was pleading with my eyes for him to understand. "Oh." There was a little silence. "Just as you like." Andy bowed and turned away, like any casual stranger. Jed took my arm and led me into the sandwich shop. When our orders were taken, I faced him desperately across the small, scarred table. "You promised! You said you'd go away and never come back!" "That was before I knew the easy pickings around here . . . Now don't look pious, Alma. This deal is on the up and up. Chance for me to pick up some real dough, and it'll be a long time before Fuller finds out he's not , quite as smart as he thinks he is." "I'm going to tell him about you. I don't care if it means my job or any! thing else! You're not going to cheat j these good, simple people! I'm — " Jed blandly lit a cigarette. "I don't ; think you will. I saw Julian this i morning. Quite a kid. Said he was ] going in the Navy. I didn't tell him this, but he can't go in unless I say so. I'm his legal guardian, not you. And furthermore, baby," he leaned over the table and his face was no longer bland, "one squawk out of you to anybody, and I'll take him away from you! I've got more right to him than you have, according to the law. So don't forget that." Spri9 has cub! MY NOSE KNOWS WHEN I USE ANyTHiNS excepr kleenex*ti$ sues OURING COLDS.. .IT SETS SORE/ (from a letter by B. K., Seattle. Wash.) A ^ j BUY **» ;4 utWXllSSUEsF Tl55Ue ^It/ieN ONE WILL DC <3R*B TWO W^Vsnowdeo,N.O (from a Utter by M. T., * I'N 7 ^eZ?}""GS BONO "c""*»A<*.,cWc*y0 WINS-byaNeck! KLEENEX TUCKED AROUND THE COLLARSAVES YOU MANy A CLEANING DOLLAR/ (from a letter by J. H., Chillicothe, Ohio) (*T. M. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) ¥£wtissue box: FREE ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted we will beautifully enlarge any snapshot, photo, Kodak picture, print or negative to 5x7 inch size FREE — with this ad. Please include color of hair and eyes and get our new bargain -offer giving you your choice of handsome frames with a second enlargement beautifully hand tinted in natural lifelike oil colors and sent on approval. Your original returned with your enlargement (a 3c stamp for return mailing appreciated). Look over your pictures now and send us your favorite snapshot or negative today. DEAN STUDIOS, Dept. 638, 118 North 15th Street, Omaha, Nebr. m .<& ft^t&S&tf. BlueWoLtQ &, Like Cupid's arrow . . . aimed at your heart, ...and his! Stimulating, delightfully fern^ . inine . . . Blue Waltz is a tantalizing, unfor. .£j| gettableperfume^ure as a woman beloved. $>„ 10c at all 5 and 10c stores *i$ &$% WALTZ *>*nFVM$ :