Radio Mirror: The Magazine of Radio Romances (Jan-June 1943)

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another false thing in my life. I'll be true to myself, anyway!" I stopped, breathless and amazed at my own eloquence. And Stefan laughed. But not for long. As he stood there, with that smile on his face that made me hate him for the first time, I heard someone say, "That isn't very funny, Denenyi." It was Bill. And Stefan stopped laughing. Bill went on in his easy voice, "Denenyi, you want to stay in this country, I gather. Well, one reason you like it here is because we have freedom. And that means a girl can marry the man she wants to marry. "I need no lecture on American Government," Stefan said. "Still, I thought you ought to know," Bill said. "There's a law, for instance, that carries rather severe penalties. You might almost say painful penalties. It's an unwritten law that says, 'No man steals another man's girl.' " Bill's face wasn't smiling, his voice wasn't an easy drawl any more. He was standing over Stefan and his hands were clenched. They were big and wicked looking fists, I realized. Stefan apparently thought something of the same sort. He preserved his dignity, though. He even said good-by to me with perfect courtesy, and he kept his grace as he walked from the room. T'D been brave enough a moment be■■■ fore, but now that the danger was past my knees gave 'way beneath me. I sank into a chair, and the tears which had been smarting in my eyes overflowed. For a moment I felt alone and frightened, and then Bill's arms were around me, his cheek against the top of my head. We sat there in silence for a little, and then I wiped my eyes determinedly, and tried to substitute a shaky laugh for the tears. "It was clever of you to tell him I was your girl," I said, "but you shouldn't have done it." Bill's hand tilted my head up, so that my eyes met his. And then he kissed me. "Aren't you my girl?" he asked, and kissed me again. But he gave me no time to answer, and I could not think of words, anyway, with his hungry, searching mouth against mine. When at last he let me go, it was only long enough for me to say, "Yes — oh, yes, Bill. I'm your girl." He has gone now, on his mission. I don't know when I'll see him again. We didn't have a honeymoon, really. We had only a few afternoons and evenings and nights, outside my teaching hours, until his call came. But I can face the rows of smiling, scrubbed faces in my schoolroom now, for as long as I have to wait. A. L. Alexander's Mediation Board carefully considers problems which arise in your daily life and in the lives of your neighbors, which require wiser solutions than troubled persons are able to find for themselves. The anguish in human hearts which makes a question seem to be without an answer leads people from every walk of life to lay their troubles before this impartial group of experts in human relationships. For drama that is all the greater because it is real, listen to A. L. Alexander's Mediation Board, 9:30 P.M. EWT, Mondays on Mutual. UN0£K THIS A** «se Fresh #»**■, Three sizes NEW DOUBLE-DUTY CREAM ?£%&£& .See now effectively Fresh #2 stops perspi-tion7prevent; odor.Seehowgentleitis.Never ° ew Won't rot even gritty or greasy. Won delicate fabrics! Make your ovn te^f yon don't agree that Fresh *» .the best underarm cream you ve ev« used, your dealer w,B gladly refund full price. boh stops mum ■ ««s ooo« 59