Radio Mirror: The Magazine of Radio Romances (Jan-June 1943)

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DOw (and I don't mean maybe) REMEMBER how glorious it all was . . . landing vour job • the very day school ended? It was your way of enlisting . . . doing a man's work while he's away fighting for freedom! \ou can still see Mom . . . her face beaming when you brought home your first week's pay, safely salted away in \\"ar Stamps. And Dad, proud as punch . . . with his glasses all misted up . . . remember? But todav it's different . . . vou wish you"d never even started! And you wonder how other girls dinars manage? Sally and Bess and all the rest never seem to feel down in the dumps. Thev"ll sail through their full eight hours and their dates, too . . . without a care in the world! Maybe you were thinking out loud! Because Sallv, the starter, takes you under her wing — tells you how girls-in-the-know keep going, keep smiling every day. "It's not just luck," she explains. "It's because we've learned bv experience that Kotex sanitary napkins are made to stav soft while wearing!"' Hit a New High! How right she was (and you're glad you didn't break your date) ! For Kotex is lots different from pads that just feel soft at first touch. None of that snowball sort of softness that packs hard under pressure. Kotex gives you more comfort and (joy of joys!) no wrong side to cause accidents. All this — and confidence, too! Because there's no ceiling to a girl's confidence, with the superb protection only Kotex can promise. No need to forfeit a moment's poise, thanks to that 4-ply safety center . . . and vou can depend on those flat, pressed ends to keep your secret safe! ^ ith all these advantages, you'd naturallv expect more girls to choose Kotex than all other brands of pads put together . . . wouldn't you? And they do! Keep ffo/ng fa com/brt — w/ffi KOTEX / THUMBS UP? THUMBS DOWN? "Difficult days"— and what to do about them! The new free booklet, "As One Girl To Another" solves the mysteries of a girl's intimate life . . . tips you off on grooming, activities, social contacts. Rush your name and address on a penny postcard to P. O. Box 3434, Dept. Mtt~-6, Chicago, Illinois. Remember — it's FREE ! For Certain Days ... if you suffer from cramps, try KURB tablets, a Kotex product compounded expressly for relief of periodic discomfort. It merits your confidence. Take only as directed on the package and see how KURBS can help you '. n