Radio showmanship (Sept 1940-May 1941)

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Pat Regal offers a $50 Stratford Suit to the Redskin player adjudged the outstanding man by local sports writers. The winner's name is always announced on the Lucky Regal Hour. Large placards, set on easels, are prominently displayed on each floor of Regal's. They feature a picture of Art Brown, the station, time, and remind passersby of the free movie passes. The store's entire personnel discusses the program freely with the customers, thus helping to build interest from week to week. In addition to writing the entire show, I take an active part in heckling Brown and announcing the feature attractions at the various theaters for which we have tickets. Other than the commercials, the entire program is ad lib. Without inviting a studio audience, 50 to 100 persons are always present in the observation room every Sunday to witness the program. As evidence of the pulling power of the Lucky Regal Hour, sixty dozen ladies' slips were sold from two broadcasts. Fifty men's overcoats were sold from one broadcast. Twenty-five dozen pairs of ladies' hosiery were sold from another broadcast! It's a lucky Sunday morning for Regal's, too! ?to^V HOV» :fl=l $*««•* 30 W iV.30 ^ ReS*x Oc*w .0.1 „*«*•" o.c v.**' i^ $*««' >ear -ens' *«*X*««° ?Kt BEG^ Be6aX Clo inc. eo^1 0^°'°^ ou» cO*'0"" It's the little things that count! The REGAL CLOTHING CO. takes extra effort to make their form letters interesting, and they are rewarded with extra results. Note REGAL'S address, "Lucky 711 7th Street N. W."; it follows right in line with the theme of their radio show. Often, it is the addition of a simple catch phrase like this that makes the difference between a sponsor being remembered or forgotten! MARCH -APRIL, 194 1 89