Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1941)

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attempting to unite a great number of individual, independent grocers, and the response to this promotion, the results have been extremely gratifying. Letters have been received from many grocers stating that their business has picked up as much as 20% even before the en4 of the first month of the contest. Approval in the grocery field has been so great that the radio stations have received many inquiries from grocery stores, who are not participating, to find out how they can join the program. Considerable interest has been shown by the general public; many housewives have actually paid a visit to the headquarters of the association, and many complimentary letters have been received. Each grocer signs up for a period of 13 weeks. No additional enrollments are accepted during the period. To weed out all but the liveliest stores, that is, those who have entered wholeheartedly into the promotion, fieldmen are busy checking up on all participating Friendly Grocer stores and grading them on their general interest and cooperation. Each store's rating is based on the following points: Proper and prominent display of window banners, placards, decalcomania, and other interior store promotions. For example, the Friendly News should be displayed prominently on the counter, and the Collecto coupons should be properly distributed. At any time, a Friendly Grocer may call up headquarters to ascertain his grading. A fieldman visits each grocer twice a month. By making the new enrollment more selective, the next 13 weeks finds the Friendly Grocer's program obtaining even better results than during the initial period. This is the first real promotion by the independent grocer where he has attempted to employ the same modern, streamlined weapons that the chain stores use to pull in business. The program has attracted attention far and wide in the grocery field. Inquiries are coming in from other cities on how independent grocers can put this promotion over in their sales area. ^ By ROGER W. CLIPP, 1 General Manager WFIL and the Quaker Network In between the strictly local and the coast-to-coast network advertisers lies a group of merchants and manufacturers who cannot waste money on coverage where they have no distribution. Neither can they afford to build, on a local station in each market they cover, an individual program good enough to compliment the product. For these in-betweeners, the answer lies in a good regional network that can give them coverage in selected areas where distribution is sufficient to warrant the additional promotion. Throughout the United States, there are many such networks, some of them producing shows and results on a par with the chains. Just to mention a few, there are the Michigan Radio Network with its key station WXYZ in Detroit, the Kansas State Network, with its key station WHB in Kansas City, the Don Lee Network with, its key station KHJ in Los Angeles, the West Virginia Network with its key station WBLK in Clarksburg, and the Quaker Network with its key station WFIL at Philadelphia. We have asked Mr. Roger Clipp, general manager of WFIL and the Quaker Network, to show exactly how a regional network works for the advertiser who has regional distribution. . . . Ed. 52