Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1942)

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wonder how to pay for a show with obvious audience limitations. From Forest City Brewing Co. comes a neat answer for budget-minded sponsors. With nearly 100 new retail outlets for Waldorf Beer, the program was a paying proposition for the sponsor from the start. Groceries KITCHEN OF THE AIR If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach then by proxy, Mrs. Farrell is one of the best loved persons in Indiana. Recipes, as v>^ell as new and better ways to serve food are the backbone of her program heard five times a week over WFBM, Indianapolis, Ind. Her appeal is directed at the woman who must manage her home on a budget. On a recent broadcast, Mrs. Farrell announced that she would send a Holiday fruit-cake recipe to any listener writing in. Response to the lessthan-one-minute announcement: 200 requests. The same announcement was repeated the following day in fewer words than a Western Union telegram. Preceded By: Transcribed music. Followed By: Stories America Loves. Sponsor: Calumet Baking Powder; Junket; Mrs. Milnut; Red Star Yeast and Grass' Noodle Soup Scott Paper Co. Station: WFBM, Indianapolis, Ind. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 422,666. COMMENT: For the sponsor debating the merits of a participation show compared with regular spot announcements, consider this point: the prestige of the woman personality conducting the program carries over to your company and to your product. SAMPLE SCRIPT AVAILABLE. WOMEN'S Result? Four hun dred requests in two days. Continental Baking Co., using the Kitchen of the Air as their only advertising medium in the Indianapolis territory for TwiNKiES, experienced a sales increase of more than 500 percent by volume. It was the only general advertising medium used when Junket put Quick Fudge Mix on the Indianapolis market. Both chain and independent store distribution was obtained. The Scott Paper Co. was an old friend in 1939. It still gets sales through this program. air FAX: Recipes and menu planning are the highlights of this half-hour participating show. First Broadcast: January, 1934. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:158:45 A.M. Home Furnishings 580 CLUB 22,500 women were added to the potential clientele of four noncompetitive sponsors of the Women's 580 Club in less than a year! Membership costs nothing, but each member agrees to buy the sponsor's product whenever possible. Program is heard five times a week over WCHS, Charleston, W. Va. Further advantages come from a questionnaire answered by each of the 22,500 members. When Uncle Sam hoisted questions of a personal nature on to the shoulders of his 1942 census takers, loud were the squawks from every U. S. outpost. No protests were heard when equally personal questions were asked by participating sponsors on this show. Effort expended in collecting the information is nil; when new members are added to the club's rostrum, each answers the questionnaire. The housewife gives her preferences in bread and flour, her name, birthday, address, husband's occupation, make and age of automobile, refrigerator, washing machine and cook stove, and name of favorite department store. Result: valuable data for each of the sponsors who sell consider JANUARY, 1942 25