Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1942)

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ment in the Army Recreation Hall. The entire transcribed series is being made available to any radio station in the Seventh Corps Area through the army's Public Relation's Office, Omaha. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 13, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Tuesday, 9:15-9:30 P.M.; Thursday, 9:45-10:00 P.M. Preceded By: Tuesday, Glenn Miller; Thursday, News. Followed By: Tuesday, Sports; Thursday, Amos 8C Andy. Station: KMBC, Kansas City, Mo. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 602,046. COMMENT: While shows aimed primarily at the men in the army camps have a definite place in the sun, not to be neglected are the folks back home. Variant No. 5 SMOKES FOR THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS A bugle call sounded by W^CBS, Springfield, 111., for Graham's Restaurant gives civic minded citizens a chance to do their bit for the khaki and the blue. Graham's issues a five dollar purchase ticket to each of its patrons. When the punched out ticket (representing purchases made at sponsor's lunch counter) is turned in, Graham's sends two packages of cigarettes to the Week following declaration of war found WSIX, Nashville, Tenn., on a regular schedule of remote broadcasts from the recruiting offices of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. America Answers consists of interviews with applicants for enlistment in Uncle Sam's armed forces. One of the first boys interviewed by the-man-with-the-mike. Jack Wolever, was the nephew of Sergeant York, famed hero of World War I. boy in the armed forces named by the customer. "Frankly, we are quite overwhelmed by the civic interest shown in otir program," confesses restaurant manager, George Singer. Reason: Graham's made good its offer to the tune of 1,400 cards in 14 weeks. air FAX: First Broadcast: April, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5:40-5:45 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Sportscast. Sponsor: Graham's Restaurant. Station: WCBS, Springfield, III. Power: 250 watts. Population: 80,029. COMMENT: For the budget conscious sponsor, here is a splendid way to tie-in with contemporary trends. W^hile a show of this kind builds good will and creates a tremendous amount of public interest, expense is in direct proportion to the returns realized. 60 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP J