Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1942)

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Office Supplies ACROSS THE DESK "As everyone knows, in measuring advertising it's the thought of keeping one's name before the pubhc at all times which prompts the choice of medium. "It is impossible to gauge the exact effectiveness of any method, even newspaper, but we do feel that through radio advertising we have been able to keep our name before the public more continuously and at a much lower cost than through any other medium. Speaking for our company, we certainly would recommend radio." H. M. BRETZ Advertising Manager Archie Sherer Co. Dayton, O. AIR FAX: OfKce furniture suppliers and office planning engineers is the Archie Sherer Office Furniture Supply Co. It's business is with the businessman, and its campaign of advertising strategy consists of appealing to the businessman. Adman Bretz, for 25 years a member of the firm, took a look at the news, came up with Across the Desk. Subtitle: A Businessman Looks at the News. Presented is a summary of news of special interest to businessmen. WING continuity editor Jack Snow scripts the show. Commercials currently tie-in with the war effort. Example: "Individual businesses . . . like every other link in the United War Effort . . . must be strong. As a part of Uncle Sam's gigantic war movement . . . your business must be as strong as possible. Any weakness in it is a weakness . . . however slight ... in the nation's war effort. You can do your part by making your business as strong as possible . . . by seeking out and eliminating any weakness. Start with your office . . . look for inefficiency . . . wasted time . . . effort and motion. When you find these things . . . eliminate them. How? The best way is to go to the Archie Sherer Co., etc." First Broadcast: August 26, 1940. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:256:30 P.M. Preceded By: Symphony of Melody. Followed By: Top Hat Serenade. Sponsor: Archie Sherer Office Furniture Supply. Station: WING, Dayton, O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 225,609. COMMENT: While a program of this kind especially interests business executives, its audience appeal extends beyond any one special interest group. That periphery beyond the businessman group represents an extra margin of profit. Public Utilities NEWS FOR BREAKFAST "For a goodly number of years we have carried the News for Breakfast item. At the beginning of the 15-minute broadcast, we have a more-or-less spot announcement about gas service, and a similar announcement at the close. "We feel that this method of advertising is A ery much worthwhile and it is now considered a regular plan in our scheme of advertising." L. L. BAXTER Vice President Arkansas Western Gas Co. Fayetteville, Ark. AIR FAX: Program is the first news round-up of the day over KUOA, and features United Press news. Since its beginning, KUOA's youthful manager, Storm Whaley, has dished up News for Breakfast. First Broadcast: September 1, 1935. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 7:157:30 A.M. Preceded By: Military Band. Followed By: Trade Winds. Sponsor: Arkansas Western Gas Co. Station: KUOA, Siloam Springs, Ark. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 4,500. COMMENT: Consistency is the word for Arkansas Western Gas Co.'s advertising campaign. Seven years on the air with the same show speaks for itself. Ihat only one announcer has been used throughout the history of the show is additional evidence that consistency pays. 396 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P