Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1942)

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ihusiasm' shown by evi ployecs in our show." il iii\ (111 AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No resuh figures as yet. Department Stares TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES AVith transportation and tires wartime scarcities, civilians will willy-nilly take advantage of shopping in their own immediate communities. To turn the steps of factory, shop and war industry workers into its doors, the East Oakland Trading Co., Oakland, CaL, took to the KROW airwaves. Its slant to workers in Oakland's industrial section: "Shop in the district and save a great deal." Sales approach for the East Oakland Trading Co. has always been one of the friendly store, and it has with malice aforethought avoided the smart atmosphere of the downtown department store. Wartime theme song: advantages of shopping at a complete store in a localized community. With Songs of the West, sponsor got its radio baptismal, was thoroughly converted when it expanded its schedule with True Detective Mysteries over the same station. Adapted from True Detective Mystery Magazine is each 30-minutc weekly transcription. Commercial copy hammers home the institutional angle. Showmanotions: window cards, newspaper space, and motion picture trailers in neighborhood theatres primed the well of public interest. No Sherlock Holmes is owner R. C. Kletzker, but he tracked down one of the greatest factors in the show's success. His comment: "Although many of my customers have mentioned the program, it seems to me that one of the most gratifying indications is the interest and en AIR FAX: First Broadcast: August, 1942. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 5:30-6:00 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed by: News. Sponsor: East Oakland Trading Co. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. Producer: Bernard Zisser Co. COMMENT: \n planning an inslituiional series of radio broadcasts, sponsor here began at the right point; within its own personnel. Certainly the battle is half won if a sponsor first creates enthusiasm and interest among its own employees. Department Stares THE SINGING MASTER While the oldfashioned barber-shop quartette may now be passe, modern living has not put a damper on man's vocal chords. The urge to make melody is still as strong today as it was in the days when singing societies were one of the chief forms of recreation. With emphasis on the fact that it's fun to sing, Strawbridge & Clothif.r, Philadelphia, Pa., department store, offers actual instruction in the vocal art in an audience participating show heard over WFIL. Starting in the WTIL studios, program soon moved over to Strawbridge & Clothier's dining room. At each broadcast a packed studio audience of 100-plus learns from choral director and vocal teacher Dr. Clyde Denglcr, how not to trill, tremolo, etc. To apt pupils. The Singing Master gives cash prizes for good singing, correctly answered questions, etc. Singing points and special renditions are given during the broadcast by Dr. Dengler's Singing Master Quartet, and by special groups of singers in\itcd to participate in the progiauL Studio music makers are also called upon for both solo and ensemble work. Tickets to the broadcasts are distributed free to would-be high-C-ers. Institutional commercial announcements f'e-in with the musical nature of the program. DECEMBER, 1 942 419