Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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AIR FAX: Newcasts are edited by ace newsman Hal Hadley whose feature stories were read by the 625,000 Evening Bulletin readers. First Broadcast: February 15, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 12:00 (Noon) -5:00 P.M. Station: WFIL, Philadelphia, Pa. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 2,081,602. COMMENT: When a program change pleases the public, and builds audiences^ it isn't necessary to theorize about it. A program of this kind delivers an audience to an advertiser without high talent costs, offers the advertising world its first real bonus since the Crossley ratings made a business out of a game. Opticians SHOPPERS EXPRESS Gas rationing isn't going to eliminate trips to a town's main shopping center, but at the same time, shops in outlying sections are going to get the once-over from canny housewives bent on saving both silver pieces and black gold. Like the gingham dog and the calico cat, merchants on the main stem and those in Austin's (Tex.) hinterland, are side by side on the Shoppers Express. With plenty of stops for its participating sponsors' sales messages, the KNOW quarter-hour goes on its musical way three times a week. Show has also been used as a community feature, with spots limited to a single shopping district. Train pulling away irovQ. station is the sound effect used to open and close each show. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March, 1942. Broadcast Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:30-10:45 A.M. Preceded By: Sidney Mosley. Followed By: Yankee House Party. Sponsor: Dr. A. Burstyn, Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician; Rosedale Drug Store; Redd Grocery & Market, others. Station: KNOW, Austin, Tex. Power: 250 watts. Population: 87,930. COMMENT: Small advertisers operating on a limited budget can reap some of the rewards from radio advertising through participating program of this kind, even though they can't afford to run their own cjuarter-hour. Groceries FOOD FOR FREEDOM What most concerns Mr. and Mrs. Citizen these days, aside from the progress of the war? Rationing is the key to the answer. When America swung over from a land of plenty to a land of scarcity, lifelong habits had to be changed. Bewildered housewives put favorite recipes on the back shelves, engage in a frantic search for substitutes which require less butter, sugar, other rationed items. In Amarillo, Tex., Red & White Stores stepped to the fore. Information on food rationing, victory gardening, the part food plays in the maintenance of good health and wartime menus are all a part of Food for Freedom. Program is heard twice weekly over KGNC. When sponsor offered listeners holders for ration books, the complete stock of 1,500 were mailed out within a few days after two 30-word announcements acquainted the public with the offer. Mail came from all sections of the Panhandle. To get the program off to a good start, a two week's build-up preceded the first of the series. Newspaper ads and station plugs created a tailor made audience. AIR FAX: Program is arranged and presented by KGNC staff member Margaret King, with the full cooperation of the local Agricultural Agent. First Broadcast: March 3, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Wednesday, Friday, 8:45-9:00 A.M. Preceded By: Classified ads. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Red 8C White Food Stores. Station: KGNC, Amarillo, Tex. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 51,792. COMMENT: Service features are fast getting a monopoly on commercial broadcasting. Programs offered for the personal benefit of consumers find ready acceptance in times like these. Certainly, a program which helps listeners get the greatest possible value out of what they have is the silver lining in the dark cloud on the food horizon. 170 RADIO SHOWMANSH I P