Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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their own shopping center. . . . Over 46 years during which the J. W. Millikan Sport Shop has catered to Mother, Dad, Sister and Brother with sporting goods, household appliances, radios, repair services, and phonograph records. . . . Do you wonder why 46 is a magic number? . . . And remember that within the limits of present day restrictions the J. W. Millikan Sport Shop is today offering the same items and the same services. . . . Stop at Millikan's the next time you're downtown in Hammond. And it works! Millikan lerks are continually approached by folks who tell of heir shopping experiences at he Millikan Shop 20 and 30 ears ago. Elderly ladies relind me that they knew me /hen I was a young shaver and a mascot ►n the baseball team managed by my ather 30 years ago. As a promotional tie-in for the proram, a display of photographs, newspapers and other historical mementos of ^e pioneer days of Hammond and the alumet Region was planned and anounced on the Way Back When proram. Listeners were invited to loan ems to the display. Thousands of items ere received, and daily traffic jams were reated outside the store. The one week rowing had to be extended for a second eek! The opening night of the display, the rogram was broadcast directly from the isplay window with the official dedicaon pronouncement made by Bertram '. Smith, Mayor of Hammond. Followig the display, Old-Timer Certificates ere offered free of charge to old-timers ho wrote in asking for them. Proof that lere is money in memories: over 2,500 quests were received! Interest was ightened by the fact that names were idividually inscribed on the certificates. At the present time, the J. W. Milli\N Sport Shop also has on the air four >ot announcements a day, tagged on le end of new record releases which are I stock at the Millikan record departent. Announcer ties-in by saying that cord is now available at Millikan's. Since 1940 we have used radio adveriing successfully, and have found it a 'ry definite means of improving our Jsiness! Owner-manager of the J. W. Millikan Sport Shop, Walter Wesley Millikan, was just one year old when his father and mother brought him from Chicago to Hammond, Ind., back in 1897. Hammond was already a 'thriving little community, supported by the Hammond Packing Co. and multitudinous railroads which criss-crossed the town. Feeling the town's need for a store catering to the sportsmen the elder Millikan founded the tiny (15 x 30) store which would fit comfortably into one small corner of the shop today. The original stock of the store leaned heavily to fishing and baseball equipment, though it strayed far enough from the sporting goods line to include rubber stamps and confectionery. Fishing and baseball were the favorite sports of the elder Millikan and he actively sponsored and managed several baseball teams. Walter Millikan's original duties at the store were, as he reminiscingly puts it, that of, "general cleaner and show-case polisher." It was in 1920 that Walter Millikan became active in the operation of the store, and at the death of his father in 1923 he assumed complete management. Memberships in the Shriners, the Kiwanis Club (of which he is president), the Lake County Fish and Game Protective Association and the Hammond Chamber of Commerce fill his spare time. JLY, 194 3 227