Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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t andt's by Max Yandt, Owner Yandt's Men's Wear We talked the matter over and decided that we needed now, more than ever to maintain our advertising program. So that our customers would continually have Yandt's in mind against the day when we would again be open and ready for business, we never missed a broadcast. That this policy was eminently right was proved by the fact that we reopened to a volume of business better than we had been enjoying before the fire. Of course, war has affected our community as it has every community, and a good many of our valued customers are now serving Uncle Sam, but we're not losing touch with those customers. Every month we get out a special printed edition of Yandt's Sportslants for Fighting Men. This breezy, newsy publication is compiled from the scripts of our nightly broadcasts, and is mailed to a list of 931 Western Montana men in the armed forces. We compiled our mailing list for this piece (which incidentally has had an enthusiastic reception from the men to whom it is sent) by asking the parents, wives and other relatives, during our broadcast, to drop in at the store and leave the names of their men in service. Once a month KGVO records five minutes of Western Montana Sports News, and five minutes of Western Montana Local News. The recordings are sent to OWI in New York City, and are then short-waved overseas to men from our territory who are serving around the world. This particular broadcast is, of course, completely non-commercial, but it's a service to our fighting men that we're proud to have an opportunity of doing. We consider Yandt's Sportslants not only one of our star salesmen, but also one of our very best good-will builders. When a five minute radio show will do those two vital jobs for us, we figure we're getting more than our money's worth from our advertising dollar. Without sales, of course, no business can long endure. Without good will, no business could survive lean times, expand in good times. The necessity of keeping a nest egg of consumer good will ready for the day when peacetime production begins again is paramount. And because radio gives people something they value, entertainment, radio is rightfully considered the major medium for building good will. The steady increase in the volume of radio advertising since Pearl Harbor shows that advertisers generally are in agreement on this point. Rockne-browed Max Yandt, vice president of Yandt's Men's Wear, Missoula, Mont., personally pens major portion of his sports copy . Friendly and informal, he feels most at home in sports clothes, sports a variety of informal costumes. Apple of his eye is six-yearold, tousle-haired Max, Jr., one of papa's most devoted fans. Hundreds come to the ^tore to hash over the latest in sports dope with sports authority Yandt. All leave as friends, and, in many cases, as customers. JULY, 1943 231