Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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\\ cross the iS^oard To PerfDrm a Civic Service, Contribute to Philadelphia Sports Life is the Erianger Brewing Co.'s Tested Sportscast Formula THERE was a time when every sales message in any media could obtain a response, one way or another. Today, the average buyer is deluged with reasons why he should purchase some one particular product. The very weight of their numbers has led the potential client to build up an armor to these sales messages, good or bad. In radio, the advertiser has a way to get around this protective wall, or rather he has a number of ways of accomplishing this end. The Erlanger Brewing Co., Philadelphia, Pa., pins its hopes on a WFIL sports program. Why this emphasis on sports? The modern man's weakness is his love of sports, and it is the in that gives Erlanger the opening it wants. Sales resistance is broken down by the use of radio to appeal to the customer's love of sports, and by talking about the subject in his language. In other words, the sales story is not only told, it is also heard. Of course sports isn't the only subject ^^T'-*'^ of interest to men, and that's where other advertisers have their innings. The important thing for any business contemplating the use of radio is to determine at the outset just what market he wants to reach. That accomplished, it is time to make a program selection. In the case of Erlanger, its primary appeal is to men. That recent studies show that almost as many women as men listen to the various sports program is a bit of velvet all to the good. Another bonus from the advertiser's point of view is the fact that men in the armed forces have registered intense interest in sportscasts. For Erlanger, all this adds up to the fact that a sports program hits the sales nail on the head. Programs of this kind, designed to entertain and inform are heard on almost every station, the country over. Each has a job to do, and the thousands of satisfied advertisers are evidence that these programs swing a big stick with the public. People listen to them, and that, after all, is the crux of the matter. WFIL sports are handled by Al Stevens and Tom Moorehead. The two, broadcasting through the week on alternate nights, approach the subject from different angles, thus assuring the listening public a thorough coverage of sports news. They share, however, a desire to give the forgotten man, the average fan, his rightful place in the sports light. Stevens' program, the Erlanger Sportscast belies its title in that Stevens discusses sports purely from the spectator's viewpoint. He makes predictions only when he feels that such predictions may 232 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P