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Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME^ This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange resuhs and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Department Stares CINNAMON BEAR "The Cinnamon Bear program which Wieboldt Stores are sponsoring will be broadcast from 4:30 to 4:45 P.M. The beginning date of the series is Friday, November 12, and it will run for a period of 26 episodes, five-a-week. This means that the program will end on December 17. "This will be the third time VVieboldt's have used this transcribed series, and it has proven quite successful for our client. Not only did it pull exceedingly well insofar as mail response was concerned, but it also has had the endorsement of a number of mothers' groups and parent-teacher organizations. It meets with the approval of both adults and children." MELVIN S. HATTWICK Needham, Louis & Brohry, Inc., Adv. Chicago, III. AIR FAX: This 26 episode quarter-hour series may be run on a three, four or five a week basis. Plenty of merchandising tie-ins are available. First Broadcast: November, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 4:304:45 P.M. Followed By: Dick Tracy. Sponsor: Wieboldt Stores. Station: WENR, Chicago, 111. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. Agency: Needham, Louis 8C Brorby, Inc. Producer: Radio Tanscription Co. of America. COMMENT: Gone with the wind is the old-fashioned theory that Christmas promotion begins after the Thanksgiving gobbler grows cold. Advertisers find that those who get on the bandwagon earh are those who get in the best licks. \Vhat has held up many a potential toy department advertiser, others for whom special Christmastime promotion is profitable, is the scarcity of good juvenile features. Here is one that has rung the Ixll in metropolis and small community, has done a job both individtially aiul collectively for retailers. Finance JOHN CHAPEL NEWS "I am sure that you will be interested in the immediate response we have had to Mr. Chapel's broadciists in connection with this association, particularly the broadcast in which he interviewed me as manager of this association. "The interview took place shortly after 10:30, and before noon of the same day, a gentleman called at the office and opened a savings accoiuit for $.500. 00. As is our custom, I asked him how he happened to come in. He told me that he often listened to Mr. Chapel, and after hearing the interview he decided there would be no better place for his savings which he planned to use in buying a small farm after the war. "It is not often that such immediate, direct results can be traced, but the results we have had from advertising over KROW have been very satisfactory." CAS M. BURTON Manager Thrift Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Oakland, CaL AIR FAX: For its first plunge into radio. Thrift Federal Savings 8C Loan tried participating sponsorship of a daily newscast. A July check-up revealed that Thrift Federal's assets had increased some 80 per cent during the past year, of which ten per cent came in the month of July. To radio went full credit for a big share in this spectacular growth for even a re-in\estment period. Broadcast Schedule: Daily. 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sponsor: Thrift Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Power: 1,000 watts. NOVEMBER, 1943 389