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Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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seined to two Syracuse citizens "/'>;) Loyal and Devoted Aid to America in Time of War." Citations are read over VV^FBL, giving the qualifications and merits of each person honored. To recipients, a certificate and emblem are presented. In addition, the Onondaga County Savings Bank features these awards in its newspaper advertising, and as further public tribute, the names of those receiving citations and the companies which employ them are listed in a bank lobby display. With service to the country and winning of the war uppermost in making their decisions, selections are made by an American Legion, Post 41, committee. All nominations received from employers are referred to the committee. So that future citizens will know of the self-sacrificing aid given here at home, a permanent record of the citations will be placed in a special volume in the Syracuse Public Library. DEPARTMENT STORES Dubuque, la. With listener interest in news at an alltime high, the Stampfer Department Store, Dubuque, la., presents a daily quarter-hour newscast over KDTH as part of its contribution to wartime civilian morale. Another good will gesture is an annual children's Christmas program. Children Contact Santa at the North Pole via the magic of short wave radio communications. In addition to special events service features, Stampfer's merchandises special sales with spot annoinicements. An article on the Stamp 4 • (Left) . . . Radio has a way with it for PAY'N SAVE SUPER MARKET, Butte, Mont. • (Right) . . . Toyland headquarters for Dubuque, la.: STAMPFER TOY ANNEX. Radio did it. vv.K latho adixilics will appciti m ihc January, 1944 issue. (Foi (Iciailed inloi mation on tlie Christmas leaturc see Radio Shf)w?nan.shif), Oct., I^)^2, p. 33^ }. DEPARTMENT STORE Boise, Idaho When C. C:. Andersons started its first radio campaign over KIDO, it was witli the usual "we'll test it" spot announdment series. Careful cliecking of radio results has seen Anderson's increase its radio schedule to indude six spot announcements daily, a five-minute evening newscast, a (juarter-hour children's program, and a hall-hour women's series. In addition, Andersons supj)orts sjKcial events such as a Sewinir Sciiool of the Air for its fabrics department, Football Predictions and Finals for its men's shop, and special Christmas programs. Contrary to most department store ad\crtising managers, }. R. Parker believes in programs with just enough spot announcements to merchandise special items. Jt is his contention that you (an accomplish more in building customer good will through a good radio program or newscast than in straight achertising announcements. Ser\ ice keynotes Anderson's radio campaign. In Lynne Your Personal DECEMBER, 1943 409