Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME^^ This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Groceries MUSICAL CLOCK "I have found that intelligent use of radio as an advertising medium the best, if not in my case, the only medium to acquaint the public with what Pay 'n' Save Super Market has to offer. Radio has something that other advertising methods cannot offer. That is instantaneous publicity. Whenever I am able to make an advantageous purchase of fresh fruits or perisliables of any kind, I can acquaint the consumer with this fact immediately throtigh the use of radio. If I had to wait to put my message into print, the stock would perhaps spoil before it could be moved. I would lose and the public would lose. "Radio has established mass selling at Pay 'n' Save and through mass selling as in mass production, I can afford to keep prices down. Nor have I found radio advertising to be expensive. It is the cheapest form of advertising possible, and moves merchandise faster and with less effort than any other advertising media. I have tried just about all the advertising media and I feel that I know what I'm talking about." FRANK REARDON, OWNER Pay 'n' Save Super Market Butte, Mont. AIR FAX: Pay 'n' Save uses every trick in the radio book, is on the air through-out the day. Sponsor: Pay 'n' Save Super Market. Station: KGIR, Butte, Mont. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 67,883. COMMENT: Mere is one advertiser who answers ilic (juestion of whether radio can work for a nudti-operation store with :i loud, cmplialic affirmative. It didn'l l;ikc j(i( h lo build this house. It was the selection of the right medium and the proper use of that medium that did the trick. Home Furnishings SPOT ANNOUNCEMENTS "We have done considerable advertising over both Detroit and Toledo stations during the past several years and the most effective program we have used to date has been a one-minute transcription of a one-way telephone conversation. Various conversations are carried on, but at no time is the price of furniture mentioned. "The woman carrying on the telephone conversation tells her friends or relatives abotit the beauty of the Floral City Furniture showroom, and comments on the various styles of furniture. In some instances she brings oiu the point that she has just visited the showroom and made a selection of various pieces. On some occasions she advises her friends that delivery has just been made by the Floral City Furniture Co. van and that she is getting her house settled. Of course she tells them how beautiful the house looks. AV^e have now used this program for the past 12 months and response has been very good." H. F. GERTZ Secretary-Treasurer Floral City Furniture Co., Inc. Monroe, Mich. AIR FAX: A regular schedule of spot announcements is used. Sponsor: Floral City Furniture Co., Inc., Monroe, Mich. COMMENT: For the advertiser who wants to be certain that his commercial message will be given exactly as he intends it to be heard, transcribed announcements tailor-made for his business are the answer. By means of transcriptions tlic sponsor (an achieve dramatic and attention getting announcements that are impossibilities when the message is given live. 66 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P