Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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Double or Nothing 160 William Allison Cooperative radio advertising profitable for the 80 member stores of Consolidated Grocers of B, C, writes the organization's manager. Melodies Tailor Made 163 William Cannon Consistent radio schedule wins friends and customers for the Cannon Tailoring Co., Cleveland, O., writes its owner. Showmanscoops 164 Photographs of merchandising stunts used to promote listener interest in radio programs. Showmanship in Action 172 Promotions and merchandising stunts lift a program out of the rut. Proof O' the Pudding 174 Results are based on sales, mail, surveys and long riuis. Showmanviews 176 News of current script and transcribed releases backed with showman tips. Airing the New 161 New radio programs used by advertisers are worth reading about. What the Program Did for Me 178 Radio advertisers exchange residts and reactions to radio programs. Who produces whatr^ This up-to-the-minute directory of script and transcribed programs for local sponsors is alphabetically indexed . . . cross-indexed by time, audience appeal, and subject matter. 75c ^adCa S^MvSoo^ ^Complete Listings • CrossIndexed 1944 REVISION RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE 1004 Marquette Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Gentlemen : Send me my free copy of the RADIO SHOWBOOK and enter my subscription to RADIO SHOWMANSHIP for one year at $2.50. Check enclosed D Bill me later D I will want D copies of the Radio Showbook at 75 cents per copy. Check enclosed D Bill me later D Name Address Cify State 148 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP