Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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C^andy Fights, Too by VERNON RADCL/FFE, oke president, m chcfe production, for American Institute of Food Prod tj • (Above) . . . William C. Kimberly, secretary of the Association of Manufacturers of Confectionery and Chocolate, has been identified with the candy industry about half a century. Radio Sells Idea of Candy as a Food Essential for Quick Energy E\4^R\' a(l\c» lisiiim man has l)alaii(('(l at some liinc in liis mind the relative advantage ol the sense ol sight in pid)licalions, and the sense ol hearing in radio; the visual impression ol the j)a(kage and sales aigumenl, and tiie persuasixc lunnan xoicc linked with entertainment. A selling niediimi that uses all (i\c' senses, sight, hearing, louc h. taste and smell, (onid he expected to he high-powti cd, and so it has proNcn lor the Associa ri<>\ ()!• Manufacii Ri i-is op Confpx:no.xKR^ AM) (liiocoi.AiK. Although it is oid\ one ol ten participating spoirsors on Dr. I'.ddy's Foot! and I Ionic l-'onini, results ha\e heen |)henomenal in staiting the swing to candx as (]iii(kenergy lood rather than a hixiirv indidgencc, accoiding to Mr, William i.. Kind)eil\, secidarx ol the association. "In selecting l)i. Walter II. I'.ddv to (arr\ the message of (andx's j)ait in the war clloil," sa\s Mr. Kimherh. "we (('ilainl\ hit I he )a(k-|)ot. \\'a\ hack in the last war Majoi I'.ddy was a stall oIIkci in charge ol luitrition lot the \.K.I\, and succeeded in having candy issued as an ainiy ration in the Iront line trenches, wheic pre\ ioush it had heen consiclcMcd a luxury indulgence cc)n(ni((l lo (aniccns l)a(k ol the lines. "I'he \vholc luiuic ol ihc (andx indusir\ rests in this switch ol opinion, (iaiidy advcilising has been laigely a \acuum into I 224 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP