Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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What's Ahead for Radio and Its Adoertisers? If $ — Future Unlimited ! by ETHEL N. KEANE, Raymond Keane Aduertising Agency, Denuer, Colorado Wi'AA., I'm just one little American, and because I am just that, I can dream, and I can speak up, and get in my "two-cenls" woilli! And so I say let's change that Cjueslion and ask: "What's Aliciid jov Our (loimtyy, joy y<)](y Business and Mine, and joy Laboy r' Because ladio and ils a(l\ ci tisers will not only be righi wiih us in answeiing thai (juestion, they'll hv a\va\ ahead ol lis! IIkn'II lead llic rosl-Wdy Payadc! And 1 ha\{' reason loi saxing this! R(iii(nil)( 1, back in ihc dark da\s ol (ail\ I'JIL'? 1 hal's when IlillcT banked on om (lis iniilx and om low j)roduclion ol llic :')()'s lo win I he wai. \\'ell, he was wiong. bnl he was \v\\ nearh light. And ihal laiighl lis a lesson! W'c Woiil b. (aiighl wilh oiii Inn like ihai again m any emergency, peace to war, or war to peace. And here's how I knowBy 1943, radio and its achertisers were doing a bang-up job loi the war effort. That's when we were listening to radio shows designed, by the advertisers, to pm a little patriotism into our souls; to appeal to us lo bu\ \\ ar Bonds; to inge C3ur 17-year-()lds to become Aviation C^adets; to ask our women to join the \\'A(-; to be blood donois; in hut, lo make each ol lis (onscions ol his oi her own impoit;ini part in the way elh)t t. We leained through these bro;Kk;ists, the inside sior\ ol American reseat ch and indiistiN and government, gearing itsell to total war. We listened, and learned, and buckled down and woi ked, and siiddeiiK it was possible lor ns. as a nation, lo sa\. " I n( ondilional Sii))('ndo!" \i(ioi\ suddenly became a bright j)()ssibilit\ in our minds. But out laclio achcrtiseis didn't stop there. Thev continued to pound the importaiuc ol our !4oal: the\ told us how lo dig om \'ic 232 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP