Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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Tillamook is virliially a land a})arl; a little valley scarcely 50 miles in length, yet cut by five streams that run Irom the mountains to the sea. In early days the only avenues of approach were by water or by wagon from the interior (the latter impossible during part of the year). Early settlers, many of tliem Swiss, found Tillamook ideal for dairying. Its comparative isolation made the selling of butter, cream, milk all perishable products, out of the question. The pioneers therefore turned to cheese, and cheese has remained the chief reliance of the valley. At first factories were owned by individuals. All were competing for the same business. All were in competition with larger, better known cheese producing sections, notably Wisconsin, which stands head and shoulders above every other state in the union in cheese production. But when one or two of these individually owned factories failed because of competition, the farmers began to appreciate the need for a better form of organization. Gradually cooperative ownership of factories gained, and cooperative selling came into existence. LoNDiTioNs were improved. There was now but one salesman going after the business, where there had been several. Tillamook production was sold entirely on the Pacific Coast, the logical market, close to home. But even with the elimination of local competition, prices were practically on a par with the "cheeseboard" prices of Wisconsin. In 1918 the sum of .1i;5,000 was spent |for a little advertising. The success of this modest appropriation indicated that ^reat benefit might be expected from a real advertising campaign, and in 1919 the decisive step was taken, with a ; budget of $14,000. A definite advertising program was decided upon, a method of branding the product was worked oiU (a method now widely copied), and regular inspections ivere established to make sure that all FiLLAMOOK Cheese would conform to he recjuirements of high quality. NOVEMBER, 1944 1 HERE was romance in the story of I'illamook, a little Holland in Western America. "Look for Tillamook on the rind" became a guiding slogan for thousands of homekeepers in the Tillamook marketing territory. Newspapers (this was before radio) were used in cities up and down the Pacific Coast, and the space advertising was supported with display pieces supplied to grocers. 1 he $14,000 that was appropriated for the first year's advertising was a mere drop in the bucket compared to the expenditures of national advertisers, yet it seemed a fortune to the farmers. It required vision on the part of the directors of the association to make that appropriation. But when the $14,000 brought a satisfactory return, and it could be demonstrated that Tillamook Cheese, advertised, brought back into the county about $140,000 more, net, than could have been obtained for Tillamook Cheese unadvertised (on the prices obtaining on the W^isconsin product) the Tillamook County Creamery Association was committed to advertising and modern methods of merchandising, lock, stock and barrel. A few years later when radio came into the picture Tillamook became an early radio advertiser on the Pacific Coast. For several years that has been the major effort. 371