Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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Beverages AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Beverages WANT AD For the man with something to buy, sell or swap, and for the person whose possessions have been lost or found, Old Hickory Ale is a friend in need. Heard daily at 6:00 P.M. over WCOV, Montgomery, Ala., the quarterhour series is composed of want ads, lost and found, and swap items. Program is divided into three five-minute sections, with items put into lost and found, want ads and swap items categories. All are run free of charge as a good will gesture from Old Hickory. Each program carries three commer \\\ cial announcements. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March 1, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:00-6:15 P.M. Preceded By: World Today. Followed By: Network. Sponsor: Old Hickory Ale. Station: WCOV, Montgomery, Ala. Power: 250 watts. Population: 105,000. COMMENT: While some programs lend themselves to a selling camj^aign, and others are best suited to an institutional approach, a feature of this kind serves both pin poses. y\nd because of the nature of its editorial content, such a feature will, over a jxriod of time, reach a wide ;in(l (li\ ci silicd listening group, thus cxlcnding the (oimiiercial imp;i(t. SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT There's SojnrthifiiT to Siiig About every dav in Buffalo, N. v., and (ne times weekly the Brewing Corporation of America sets the words to music over WGR. Music is the stock-in-trade on the quarter-hour feature heard at 7:45 P.M., with the piece de resistance a short news item which gives listeners SometJiirig to Sing About. Example: news that a missing American Ace was safe in Germany. For listeners anxious to get on with the show, the brief opening announcement is also something to sing about. Example: ANNCR: Your host is Carting's. CHEERS & ORCH: OPENING. ANNCR: For more than 100 years, it's been Quality That Never Varies! This is Foster Brooks, speaking for Carting's, and bringing you songs and something to sing about, featuring Jan Martel, the Four Cheers with Dave Cheskin and his orchestra. Commercial tie-in with the title of the show: "For something to cheer about tJirough the week, any week, make yours Carting's Black Label Beer or Carling's Red Cap Ale. No matter where you buy it, when you buy it, you can depend on quality that never varies." air FAX: First Broadcast: November 22, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 7:45-8:00 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Watch the World Go By. Sponsor: Brewing Corporation of Atnerica. Station: WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 613,506. COMMENT: \\'heii advertisers provide listeners with catch phrases and slogans that are easy to remember, the sales battle is well begini. And with radio, too, what's well begtni is half done. Drug Products* LANDERS NEWS COMMENTARY When W'li.DRooi Hair J omc went into the San ;\ntonio, lex. market, it set oiU to give WOAI listeners the reasons why VVii.DRooT shoidd get the preferred spot in the medicine (best. Natural tie-in • 384 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP