Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Music DATE WITH MUSIC, A All-time hit melodies, top radio talent, and a galaxy of stars is what listeners who make a Date With Music have in the offing. Directed by ^Villiam Stoess, former AVLW musical director, and emceed by Allyn Edwards, talent on the show includes vocals by Phil Brito, piano by Sammy Liner and the novachord and organ by Doc ^V^hipple. With 78 quarter-hours now available for immediate delivery, a total of 130 are to be produced. AIRFAX: Producer: Charles Michelson. COMMENT: Hit melodies, and top radio talent have what it takes to hold audiences, promote sales. Mystery ADVENTURES OF MICHAEL SHAYNE It may be a psychological escape mechanism, but the public's interest in mystery stories, whether in book form or dramatized over the air, continues to mount from month to month. And that public, whether it is reading or listening, represents a complete cross-section of human endeavour; the professor is as apt to be an addict as his student. What pulls the fan to his radio on the Pacific Coast is the Adventures of Michael Shayne, a half-hour mystery drama available in 39 episodes. Now sponsored on the Coast by the Union Oil Co., the series enjoys a 9.7 Hooper, No novice at the art of building programs of this kind is producer, Selected Radio Features. Also to its credit: Press Club, a 15-minute mystery drama, written aroiuid the city desk of a daily newspaper. Under the sponsorship of PackARD-Bi.LL Radio, Press Club gained an 8.00. Hooperating on the Pacific C^oast. AIRFAX: Type: E.T. Episodes: 39. Time Unit: 15 Minutes. Producer: Selected Radio Features. COMMENT: Foi the advertiser whose appeal is to the mass market, who wants to reach the widest possible segment ol the listening audience, killer-clilleis ha\c what it takes to produce results. STATION SERVICE Radio activities in behalf of public interest. POWER OF MUSIC W^ords aren't the only medium by which a story is told, as some 38,000 school children in Charleston, W. Va., well know each year. It's done with music over WGKV. Now in its fifth year, Musical Pictures is regularly listened to by an estimated 38,000 school children every year from the first through the sixth grades at a time which fits into the school curricula. Evidence that the blood-and-thunder type of radio fare isn't the only way to capture the attention of the small fry: in a questionnaire passed out throughout the schools last year, Musical Pictures was overwhelmingly voted the favorite radio program among the grade schoolers. A public service feature, the program is aired each Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 to 1:45 P.M., the time being set by the teachers and the Board of Education. Comments WGKV program director, C. P. Vogel, Jr.: "WGKV is proud to be broadcasting these programs and we do not regard them either as publicity or promotion. We honestly feel that we are doing a great public service throughout our county school system." Primarily a different approach toward music appreciation, each broadcast tells a story, musically. Student participation comes from drawing pictures of images conjiued up h\ the music or stories and poems u}K)n the subject. Script is written by members of the Jiuiior League, narrated by program director Vogel. Through a Radio Board and the Board of Education, teachers are given j)arallel material lor research and to aid them in classroom preparation. The Public Library builds a special section lor teacher's research for the six weeks of the series. 34 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP