Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Friendly Does It With Radio Friendly Finance Corporation Applies Yardstick of Local Interest and Consistency to Its Air Schedules Ouer WHBL by FVFLYN HERONVMUS, general manager and sec-treas. FRiKNDLY Finance CoRroRAiioN, which has lour offices in the VVIIBL listening area, namely, Sheboygan, Fond clu Lac, West Bend and Manitowoc, Wis., has developed a motto for its radio advertising which may well be capitalized upon by any advertiser in any line of business. "Find out what has the greatest • 82 • Network shows lose audiences when the Sheboygan Redskins take to the air over WHBL. local interest to the greatest number of people: grab it and hold it." In its particular case, it turned out to be the Sheboygan Redskins Basketball leam. yVfter the Redskins secured a franchise in the National Professional Basketball League in 19-^8, it was only a RADIO SHOWMANSHIP