Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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► All advertising media have sufficient potentials to be prosperous, says radioman Storke, ivho is also president of the Pacific Advertising Association. Article here is digest of a speech given before the 16th District National Association of Broadcasters meeting, Hollywood, Calif. Looking Ahead Together by CHARLES A. STORKE, managing director, KTMS, Santa Barbara WHEN you sell without prejudice and in a sincere effort to help business management build sales and good will economically and effectively, you come to realize soon enough that all legitimate advertising media have their proper place in varying degrees in promotional budgets. Properly produced, sold and serviced, all advertising media have sufficient potentials to be prosperous, providing your community is prosperous and growing, and the national income does not fall below a generous minimum. There will be more advertising if there is a healthy, constructive competition between media. Destructive competition wherein one spends a substantial part of one's energy tearing down what the other fellow has to sell, has, in my opinion, cost us all revenue in the past through loss of confidence in all advertising. These past four years have proved that advertising people have the vision to see long range responsibilities and accept them on their merits without the necessity of compulsion from some outside source. They have proved that advertising men and women from C()mj)eii(i\c' media can put aside their (hllerences when working lor the coimiiou good of the American people. We have seen sincere people in government who would have preferred originally to do this propaganda work through government controlled and sponsored advertising came to recogni/c, (onnnend and place (heir slamj) ol a|)pro\al on achci lising's vohnileci accoinplishmcnls. Ii was proved llial advertis ing professionals have the confidence of business managements for they sold business the desirability of its footing the bill through advertising budgets. It was demonstrated that advertising can sell ideas and ideologies as well as goods and services; that the American people will react favorably to the pleas of American business through advertising. Do you not see within that experience the pattern for future action in the battle to perpetuate American free private enterprise? Who is better qualified to do this job than the advertising fraternity? By the very nature of the work, such people have the spirit of public service, the know-how of moving public opinion, and the physical means through which public opinion is molded, plus the confidence of American business. The combination of these forces can be a powerful factor in determining the thinking and thus the actions of all Americans, big and little. The story to be told is the story of American life in a democracy. It is the story of the relative position of the masses of Americans with the masses of other peoples. Entwined within, is the record \ of the success of American business in ! pi()\ iding higher standards of li\ ing for the free Amei i(an worker and his lamilv. And up front is the story of the key part that advertising has plaved, is playing j and can play in the future, toward iu\proving the physical comfort and securitv of all Americans. I he preponderance ol evidence that can be amassed (an stand the fidl light of day, and when undeislood by all sincere Americans will do iiHK h lo stabilize the country. 30 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP