Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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WHIO Cooperates With National Cash Register Co., Dayton, 0., To Present Juoeniie Show With 2,000 Children in Attendance THE name of the National Cash Register Company stands among the highest in American industry, and has become an institutional phrase on the lips of Dayton, O. citizens. In 1916 the NCR began holding children's shows in its huge auditorium for all boys and girls in the Dayton area. This idea of free movies, entertainment and food for Dayton's young people, ran for 15 years. Then just a few months ago, these programs had their rebirth, and as a new feature. AVHIO was asked to originate a children's broadcast to precede the NCR's entertainment. ^\ HIO more than welcomed this opportunity to be of service to Dayton bovs and girls, and planned its opening broadcast to take place at 9:00 A.M., Saturday morning, August 25, 1945. Prior to this date, the NCR had approximately 1,000 children in attendance. Many of these had been sent by parents, who in earlier years had enjoyed the NCR Children's Parties. \Vith a broadcast originating from the auditorium, this number increased until just tzoo months later it had grown to more than 2,000 boys and girls. The crowd at the Christmas Partv. numbered 2,700! Dorothy Allsup, education director for WHIO, was chosen to write and produce the broadcists, which consist of a quiz, a birthda\ celebration, music by a special chorus of 100 voices and the children in the auditorium, plus the accompaniment of the four manual NCR organ. Four children, two boys and two girls, MAY, 1946 of the same age and grade level, representing four different schools, or a special group, such as the Boy Scouts, etc., are chosen at random each broadcast to take part in the quiz. The questions, which follow a definite pattern and theme for each day, range from spelling matches to musical quizzes. Bob Kline, education director for the NCR and the genial host for the Saturday morning parties, acts as master of ceremonies and conducts the quiz. Judges for the contest are usually leaders of activity at the NCR or representatives of civic organizations in Davton. They award the winners with new, shinv, silver dollars. The birthday celebration is also handled by Bob Kline. All boys and girls who have had birthdays during the past week are inter\iewed on the air. The hostess for the NCR Partv, Doris Can", presents each birthdav celebrant with \'ictor\ Stamps. One hundred children comprise a special chorus, which sings the opening theme song, and also obliges with special numbers at various broadcasts. The biggest thrill, however, is when the mightv chorus of children present in the huge auditorium sing forth with You're a (Jrand Old Flag, or Chickery Chick. Sig Roush is W'HIO's jolly announcer on the show, and is always greeted ^vith much enthusiasm by the bovs and girls. Ruth Ellis is the organist, and there are six other adult helpers, who keep birthday lines moving, handle props, etc. • 163 •