Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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y J WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Department Stares WISHING WELL "As radio director of the Hevenor Advertising Agency, I am very pleased with the resuUs our client, W. M. Whitney & Co., is getting with the syndicated feature, the Wishing Well. "The program content of the WisJiing Well offers a great variety of promotional possibilities, and we have started one that we think is both timely and original. "Every week our client, W. M. Whitney & Co., Albany's largest department store, takes a picture of the week's Wishing Well winner and publishes it as a newspaper advertisement. This means that the winner not only receives the article wished for, but has her name mentioned over the air and her picture published in the newspaper showing the article won by complying with the rules of the Wishing Well "In addition, we plan to blow up these pictures and use them as the basis for a window display of Wishing Well winners." ROBERT D. GUTHRIE Hevenor Advertising Agency, Inc. Albany, N. Y AIRFAX: Latest fashions are related between musical selections on this syndicated feature produced by H. A. Goodman Radio Productions. To the person who writes the best letter to the Wishing Well, sponsor awards the merchandise wished for. The four runners-up letters get five dollar merchandise certificates. Included among the retailers who have used the series are Carson, Pirie, Scott dC Co., Chicago, 111., and J. N. Adams & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Series here is broadcast over WTRY, Monday through Friday, at 5:45 P.M. What makes the series popular with listeners generally is its combination of making a wish come true, plus songs and music by stars and big name bands. Fashion notes and advice by Whitney's fashion expert, Anne Sterling, are an equally popular aspect of the format. Account executive Guthrie is a former Ruthrauff 8C Ryan radio man, now home from five years' service with Uncle Sam. Broadcast Sdhedule: Monday through Friday, 5:456:00 P.M. Sponsor: W. M. Whitney dC Co.. Albany, N. Y. Station: WTRY, Troy, N. Y. Power: 1,000 watts. Agency: Hevenor Adv. Agcy. COMMENT: Combination here of excellent meichandising tie-ins with good radio entertainment has proved remarkably successful for a wide variety of department stores. As an added clement in its fa\()r is the fact that it provides retailers with opportunities for strong local tie-ups, an element not always present in synditatcd programs. 172 RADIO SHOWMANSH IP