Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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% \ \ % ■<t CKWX WSAM KCNC CKRM WWDC WFOY WJMC N+ ^^"^ 4>-' ,**' **^^ ,0> .*-* <> V" THESE AGENCES USE THE SERVICE • Gwin Adv. Agcy.Indianapolis, Ind. • Herald Adv. Agcy.-San Antonio, Tex. • Manson-Gold Hollywood, Colif. STILL GOING STRONG 50-69 MONTHS KDYL — Salt Lake City, Uuh KGHF —Pueblo, Colo. KOA — Denver, Colo. KOTN —Pine Bluff, Ark. KROW — San Francisco-Oakland. Calif. WFIL —Philadelphia, Pa. WGR —Buffalo, N. Y. WIND —Chicago, III. woe — Davenport, la. WSTV — Steubenville, O. WTCN — Minneapolis, Minn. 40-49 MONTHS CKOC — Hamilton, Ont. KIDO —Boise, Idaho WACO— Waco. Tex. WIBX — Utica, N. Y. WJPA — Washington, Pa. All of these stations subscribe to RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE for their clients. Some of them have used the service for as long as 69 months. These stations are helping the businessman get the most for his radio dollar by taking this means of bringing him complete, accurate and timely radio information on the much neglected commercial side of radio programming. AS JUST A THOUGHT— the service may be available in your area on on exclusive basis' . . . write or wire Immr *elv for complete det'i,. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE 1004 Marquette • Minneapolis 2, Minn.