Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Never D ry idising and Promotion, Daily Show ^tailer Tops Net Ratings in 60 Days » lunk beds for the twins. Jerry Burns r >s at the youngsters who look pretty sober b It the entire procedure. The family Hves I gden. Style information and suggestions on culinary arts. At KDVI/s suggestion, though, we undertook an entirely different theme, featuring^ Jerry Burns with a program of comedy, light chatter, and human interest. Mr. Burns already had built up a fine following with his Pale Moonlight program for our st©re at 10:30 each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night with his poetic musings, and his style sounded right for a novel morning show. We resolved to make our give-aways truly worth while, to promote the Wishing Well idea throughout the store as well as on the air, and to make the program fun to hear. Feminine talent on each program is Mary Jane Anderson, whose air name is Judy Dell. When occasion permits, a notable guest also is presented. JUNE, 1946 • One of the promotional Wishing Wells at ZION'S COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. Pictures of previous winners are now on display at the well. • 191 •