Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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\Vc began our promotion by announcing the new show on the Pale MoonligJit program, inchiding it in the copy tor our daily newspaper ads and with phicards and replicas of a Wishing Well placed about the store. PROMOTION HELPS KDYL arranged a series of congratulatory telegrams from NBC stars, and we used them and photos of the stars in a • A complete infants' wardrobe for the first winner on the Wishing Well program. Jerry Burns and Mary Jane Anderson make the presentation. WisJiing Well window (h"spla\. Among others, this display featured Art Baker, whose program follows the Wishing Well, Jack Beiniv, Kddie C^antor, Dr. I. Q., Red SkehOn. Ralpli Edwards. George Bmns and (.racic Allen, and Archie Gardner. KDYL used special announcements on the air for a week before the new show • 192 • began and ran an ad on the ladio page in the daily papers. Winners are annotuiced on the air each Tuesday, and Mr. Btnns and a member of our advertising staff go to the winner's home for the presentation immediately afterwards. Photographs of the presentation are displayecl on the Wishing Well in the store, and complimentary copies are sent to the winner. Subsequently, we plan to fete the winners at a banquet at which time each winner will be required to bring along something indicative of the prize won. DREAMS COME TRUE Many women submit elaborate entries. Some are in colorful scrap book form. Every day's mail brings a niunber of original jingles and rhymes. There's no guessing the scope of wishes covered by the response. An expectant mother, wishing for a baby's wardrobe, was the first winner on the show. Another mother received bunk beds with accessories to outfit the bedroom for her twin sons. One woman asked for wall paper to redecorate her home. "You'll get that, and what's more I'll hang it myself," Bmns said on the air. All of which he did, nuich to his personal aches and pains the following day. Still another woman longed for a pair of nylon hose. She received not only the hose, biu also a com})lete ensemble to go with it. One young housewife wrote that she'd simply like to spend a day at ZCMI and take advantage of its many services to Milady. Her day included a trip to the beauty salon, lunch at the dining room, and finally a complete spring wardrobe. "Just let me pose for one of ZClMI's ads," pleaded one contestant. She mod eled a blouse, feather trimmed hat, gloves, bracelets, earrings, handbag, etc. I lu^ picture was used in the store's disl)la\ ad. and she received all the fmery she modeled. Ihis sort oi lliiiig has thousands of Utah women talking about the Wishifig Well, and that of couise brings them closer to ZCMI. RADIO SHOWMANSH IP