Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Red & White Pays on the Line Telephone Quiz Sponsored by Wadhams § Co,, Wholesalers for Red S White Stores, Portland, Increases Traffic and Business By W. H. WOODWORTH, manager, Red g White Stores SOMETHING for nothing! Sure, that is what everyone is interested in. That is why we were sold from the start on our Tello-Qiiiz program, presented each day, Monday through Friday, at 11:30 A.M., over KXL, Portland, Ore. Al Schuss, our congenial announcer, handles the program for the Red & White Stores in Portland, Ore. Names are scientifically selected from the telephone books of Portland and adjoining towns. The consumer is called on the phone and if she can answer the question asked she receives |5.00 (if she is the first person called). If she cannot answer, a card is mailed her which entitles her to a pound of Red ^ White Coffee free upon presentation at any Red & White retail store. Each time the question is asked and the party called is unable to answer, the award automatically goes up $5.00 so that the next person called would receive 110.00 if she has the answer. About five calls are put through during the fifteenminute program, so that each day the question remains imanswered, the award becomes $25.00 more. The awards have averaged about $75.00 in the first six months that we used this promotion. The questions and answers are posted on a bulletin board in all Red ^ White stores, so that all anyone has to do is to go to a store and be prepared with the correct answer when called on the phone. This has resulted in a greatly increased • Window banners promote interest. traffic flow through our stores, and a corresponding increase in business for the retailer. The questions and answers arc sent to the stores well in advance of the time of presentation, each printed on a separate card, and are immediately posted as the occasion demands. Incidentally, Al Schuss has plenty of time, while waiting for the phone to be answered, to get in all commercial announcements. The sponsoring wholesale house for the group is Wadhams & Company and it reports greatly increased business, not only on the items plugged over the air, but for its full line. That the program has appeal is attested by the fact that during our fifteenminiue broadcast we have the highest Hooper rating in the city. 198 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP