Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Automobile Supplies ART DAVIS & HIS RHYTHM RIDERS A comparatively young enterprise which flourished into a post-war industrial giant has selected the Oklahoma-North Texas area as the proving ground lor a radio test campaign. With KTUL, Tulsa, Okla., as the parent station in a three-way hookup which includes KOMA, Oklahoma City and KWFT, Wichita Falls, Tex., the O.K. RuBBKR Welders have set out to blanket the Southwest region with its sales message. Chosen to spread the word lor O.K. Rubber Welders is Art Davis & His Rhythm Riders. Since Art's release from the Navy last October, the group has been sponsored in Tulsa by O.K. Rubber Welders, and the current campaign is in the nature of an experimental program for the sponsor. Art Davis & His Rhythm Riders is broadcast Monday through Friday on two (onsecutive programs, one at 4:30, the other at 4:45 P.M. Most of the programs for the three-way network will originate from Kl UL, with occasional <)i iginations fioni both KOMA and KWF'1\ Veteran aimouiicer Ed Ncibling emcees the progranu AIRFAX: Sponsor: O.K. Rubber Welders. Station: KTUL, Tulsa, Okla.; KOMA, Oklahoma City, and KWFT, Wichita Falls, Tex. COMMENT: When time (an be cleared, a lujok up oi (his kind simplifies the [>ro gramming problem for the regional advertiser and guarantees a luiiiormily in production and effectiveness. Florists MODERN HOME FORUM What can be done to prolong the life of a bouquet of flowers? How often should tlie water be changed? Florist members of the Florist's Tei-egraph Delivery Asscx:iation, Fort Wayne, Ind., answer these and other questions over WOWO on a weekly schedule as a feature of Jane Weston's Modern Home Forum. Each week, one of the local Horists is interviewed on such topics as how to care for house plants and the best types to raise. At the close of each broadcast, listeners are reminded of the Sunday evening show sponsored by the FTDA. In addition to general station merchandising, special promotion for this cooperative program includes the distribution of program stickers to florists for use on mail and statements. Leaflets with the questions and answers about the care of flowers are available to listeners on request. Small microphones with lettering, ''We're On the Air!" have been placed in the window of each florist, and a weekly newspaper ad calls attention to the 10:15 Sunday evening show. In the week preceding Easter all seven cooperative sponsors joined in a cooperative window display in the WC)WO studio window, featuring Easter floral decoiations, corsages, etc. AIRFAX: Interviews with florists aired on the Modern' Home Forum is a Wednesday feature on this homemakers program. First Broadcast: April, 1946. Broadcast Schedule: Wednesday, 1:00-1:30 P.M. Sponsor: Florist's Telegraph Delivery Ass'n. Station: WOWO, Fort Wayne, Ind. Power: 10,000 watts. Population: 117,246. COMMENT: Mere's a ( asc where a single florist (ould not alioicl the type of program now used by the group. W^ith (o()l)('riil i\ (■ ("Hort. vm\\ member bears a • 202 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP