Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Dairies DO YOU KNOW THE ANSWER? When the KoRNKLY Dairy entered the Manitowoc, Wis. market, it knew the answer to the ])rohlein of getting (|iii(k distribution. It turned to radio and XVOiMT with a weekday series designed to perk up listener interest in the new firm. Its choice was Do You Know the Answer?, a quarterhour telephone-money show which had been successlully tested in other markets. Each day the announcer calls a given number ot people by telephone, asking each, "Do You Know the Answer?" If the person on the other end of the line can give a simple statement that has been furnished as part of the sponsor's promotion, he receives the amoinit of money on deposit willi VYOM T. Each time a person telephoned fails to provide the answer, that money is added to the deposit. No person is asked to piuxhase anything, nor does he have to listen to the station to (jualify for the money. Ck)mmercial sense l)ehind tlie dolhns and-cents show: program is desigued to impress everyone witli a slogan-sentence al)out the K0RNEI.Y Dairy, its prochicts and services. Listeners are paid money for l)eing al)le to recall and actually recite the sponsor's sale message. In Manitowoc there's plenty of evidence of listenei interest in this syndicated script feature from the VV. E. EoNc; (^OMi'ANv. \Veekl\ mail coiuu of postcards with 204 slogans fi'om listeners averages 18 cards. Rapid recovery of contest money by listeners each week is another indication. What is e\en more convincing to KorM lA D.MR^ is the fact that it has added two iKAV routes and could haxc added another two if ecjuipment weie available. AV'hile the primary purpose of the program was to increase sales and acquaint listeners with the sponsor's services, it also gave rotite salesmen an opporttmity to make contacts with customers, through the distribution of gift checks gi\en to persons called on the program. Commercials, in the form of sponsorplugs inserted at the discretion of the announcer, carry the sponsor's message. Slogans selected from the listener mail response are nsed as the weekly answer for the telephone quiz angle on the show. Staff announcer, Frank Pollack, emcees the AIRFAX: sliow. first Broadcast: August 13, 1945. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 9:30 A.M. Preceded By: Local News. Followed By: Tic Toe Time. Sponsor: Kornely Dairy. Station: WOMT, Manitowoc, Wis, Power: 250 watts. Population: 24,404. Producer: W. E. Long Co. COMMENT: Nearly comparable to the intangible factor of good will is the value of a slogan, representing as it does, a complete sales argument in relatively few words. Series here is designed to achieve wide cunencv for the s))()nsoi's slogan. Department Stares TODAY IS YOURS lo inollui . ialher, sister or biollur. Today is )'()iis o\ei" W'lIKB. Portsmouth, N, H., on the occasion of birthday or wedding anniveisary. Recjuests aic sent in from listeners, asking that members of their I a mi lies and friends be recogni/ed onci the air on the ir)-ininute program heard] six limes weekly. Not only are musical selections asked lor, but also Anniveisarygrams and Birthday-grams are aired at the time of thcj RADIO SHOWM A NSH IP