Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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JOHNNY ON THE SPOT News, reviews and tips on spot announcements in this column. POWERFUL MINUTES To stimulate new business and to retain the old, in the face of current shortages, is one of today's major merchandising problems. In Worcester, Mass., Joseph Noonan solved the problem for his foiu~ Carol Bakers stores with a spot announcement schedule on three stations. 7 he schedule: WTAG-Thursday, 6:00 P.M., 100word spot announcement preceding the news. Sunday, 5:00 P.M., 30-word spot following the Electric Hour, and preceding the Prudential Family Hour. A\'ORC-Monday, 9:30 A.M., and Wednesday, 9:30 A.M., 30-word spot announcement preceding the Breakfast Club. WAAB-Monday, 1:591/4 P.M., 30word spot announcement precedCedric Foster. ComnR-nts R. Anne Cristy, radio director of the Ho\VARD-Wi:ssoN Co., Adv., "These spots have ptdled very well for our client. Mr. Noonan is not a newcomer to radio advertising. He has used it with success for many years and knows its \'alue. At this particular lime, most of his ad\'ertising is done on a good will basis. Jlie j)rogram is direc ted lo the liousewilc who is liis potential customer." AIR-WISE What is l)clic\c(l lo l)e the Insi icguhn use of spot ladio lor the piomotion ol airh'ne tra\el is being used as j)r()niolion by Con'iini:n'iai, Aik Ijms. I he onenuiuUe sj)ols, which inckide tlie use of sound (liamlxi ;md ail plane sound ef fects, were produced by Galen E. Broyles Co., Inc., Denver, Colo., and are being used on radio stations KCMO, Kansas Citv, Mo.; KOA. KLZ, KMYR and KVOD, Denver, Colo.; WOAI, San Antonio, Tex.; KOB, Albuquerque, N. M.; KROD and KTSM, El Paso, Tex.; KVOO and KTUL, Tulsa, Okla.; KANS, W ichita and KWBW, Hutchinson, Ka. Spots localized for each city give not only Hying times but cities served on various Hights, departure times and fares. Airline officials have reported a heavy volume of business directly traceable to radio. WELCOME THE SPRING Going into its second consecuti\e year of nation-wide radio advertising is Montgomery Ward & Co. Following the example of the home office is the Greensboro, N. C. retail Montgomery AVard store, with eight spot announcements aired over W^BIG each week day. Spots are spaced throughout the day to obtain maximum effectiveness. That the schedule hits the bulls-eye is indicated by an Advance Spring Sale conducted at the Greensboro store. Merchandise used in the area only during the spring and summer seasons was placed on sale in February. According to store manager H. W. Hubbard, the experiment was a tremendous success. GOOD PROTECTION Cold-weather co\eralls were a much needed item in the male wardrobe, if the experience of Lee's Surplus Store, Army Goods, is any indication. AVhen it advertised a sheep-lined leather flyers' suit over WIBC, Indianapolis, Ind., it took only a few mentions on Lee's 6:30 A.M. spot to sell oui the complete stock. Comments David Rein, pailner: "Many of those who came were farmers, and some from as far away as 100 miles." No flash-in-the-pan response was this instance. Lek's look on the early morning time on W'IBC: to reach the rural and distant trade. Results are most satislactory according lo retailer Rein. It's an indication that in the slate of Indiana, a lot of people regularly beat the sun out of bed. 14 • 212 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP