Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Douquets in the Air [ Weekly Radio Series on Consistent Schedule ^^ Increase for BrasweWs Flower Gardens, Hous EXECUTED BY: GIEZENDANNER CO, WHEX Sunday, 1:00 P.M., rolls around in Houston, Tex., and surrounding territory, KTHT, and the program An Orchid to You, are top favorites in this area. Divided into three parts, the program embraces a personal tribute to outstanding Houstonians, facts on flower etiquette and show tunes of the siveet music type. This program, simple in format, has been a success since its inauguration December 3, 1944, by Braswell's Flower Gardens. Opening with a brief introductory commercial, the show swings into a recording of Blue Orchids which fades and continues behind a 120-word commercial followed })y a musical recording. 1 he introduction of the week's ho?ioree follows. Following a word sketch of the honor ed person's life, the narrator wea\es a story of the accomplishments and achievements of the honoree, especially those pertaining to his or her civic interests and the contribiuion to the cultmal progress of the city through philanthropic endeavors and general good citizenry. Upon completion of the accomplishments and the reason for the eulogy the narrator says, "For these accomplishments Mr. Blank, wr present, An Orchid to You! If you will answer the doorbell Mr. Blank, you'll find Mr. B. W. Braswell waiting with An OrcJiid to You." Mr. Braswell genera 11\ makes the presentation personally, but in the event this is impossible, a messenger is used. \\'hen the orchid is presented, a scroll is also given to perpetuate the event. On the Thursday preceding the broad 1)1 193 [ li. W. Braszvell started a x'cry modest floral business in a tent. The (fuality of his stock, the range of the selectiojis and the nniquoiess of his floral creatio)is, added to the man's natural ability to make frietids, caused his venture to fnosfyer. There were a fiumber of additiotis before he nunnd to his jnesejit locatiofi ifi 1939. Previous to the zvar he nuiintained his ozvn greenhouse and floral dez'eloping plaiit a short distance from Houston. Because of the wartinw lab(*r shortage he curtailed his operations and is noir mahing most of his purchases in (alifornia, Denver and Si. Louis. He plans to reopen full s(ale operation o\ his greenliouse Jtithin a short time. 11^ RADIO SHOWMANSHIP