Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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To General Dwight Eisenhower went the world's record prize capon with floral decorations arranged by B. W. Braswell (left). Capon was purchased at the Houston Fat Stock Show auction for ^1,200 by restaurant owner, Bill Williams (center). W. A. Richardson, commercial agent for Railway Air Express, supervises the shipment. ( ast from 20 to 50 cards are sent to friends and business associates inviting them to listen in the following Siuiday. Selection of men and women to be honored is limited to those who have made, or are making, a definite contribution to civic welfare or cultural progress in this area. Suggestions for the weekh lionorees generally come from listeners. The backgiound information is gathered Irom intimate friends, the family and Ijusiness associates. Biographical material is assembled in secrecy, and in a high per( entage of cases the subject of the orchid presentation is entirely unaware of the li(jnor until the presentation is made. Members of the familv aid in making arrangements to ha\e the honored person at home to listen to the broadcast and receive the orchid. The importance of Ayi Orchid to You in the progress of this firm is immeasura ble. In the belief of Mr. Braswell. the popidaritv of this Simday show has been directly responsible for a big share of the increased business. Mr. Braswell has made the offer of extending the advantages of An Orchid to You to any floral company in the country and has autJiorized that this article include the offer of this radio shoiv, complete luitJi adaptable scripts and tlie secret of its success to floral companies everywhere. The advancement of the floiuer business is the prime interest of Mr. Braswell, and his belief in radio as one of the chief mediums of bettering business for florists prompts the offer, fust address requests to Braswell s 1' lower (rurdens, Houston, Texas. JULY, 1946 229