Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Ice Creams JOE PALOOKA "Are you ready, gauir'^ It's Fold) he Cream Time!" Thousands ol bovs and girls in the Austin, Tex., area know that's the introduction to another adventure with Joe Palooka, presented over KXOAV bv the Polar Ice Cream Co. That the guy named Joe has made plenty of friends lor Polar Ice Cream is indicated by Hooper ratings. Latest siuvey gave the 5:45-6:00 P.M. time slot 4.1 per cent of the 15 per cent of radio sets in use in the Central Texas area. Commercials are pitched to the average school bo\' or girl. From copy which plugs healthy eating it's a short skip and hop to ice cream and better school work. More than pleased with the satisfactory increase in sales is Polar Ice Crea>l Example of copy which has upped sales in the Austin market: "Say, gang, have you ever noticed how a good boxer is one who has perfect timing . . . that old one-two punch just won't do unless it's delivered at exactly the right moment. Well, that's not only true in boxing . . . or just in sports, for that matter. It's the person who knows just when to do a thing who comes out on top. But wait a minute . . . there's one exception . . . you've probably guessed it . . . anytime and every time is the cue for eating that better-than-ever Polar Ice Cream. Between meals, with meals, refreshment-time . . . it doesn't matter . . . there's something that always tastes good. And you know. Polar Ice Cream doesn't specialize in just one flavor . . . any and all of 'em are equally good. There's a taste thrill in every bite. And here's something else to note . . . Polar Ice Cream is actually good for you. It's got what it takes to build a sturdy body. The result is a treat that is a winner on every count. But you know the score . . . just always be sure that you get Polar Ice Cream . . . that's the flavor that's in favor." Promotionotiou: hundreds of window displays featuring Joe Palooka in the stores of dealers featuring Polar Ice Cream. AIRFAX: Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday. 5:45-6:00 P.M. Preceded By: Jack Armstrong. Followed By: Headline Edition. Sponsor: Polar Ice Cream. Station: KNOW, Austin, Tex. Power: 250 watts. Population: 87,930. Producer: No. Central Broadcasting System. COMMENT: National advertisers have found that the technique of advertising to the tremendous youth market through the medium of radio programs appealing primarily to children is highly successful. Such programs really do business, because (hildicn usually get ihcii own way and jjarents buy what their children want. One of the most successfid appeals to this audience has been through comic strip personalities. What gives su( h features an added punch is the fact that almost as many adults as children listen to kid show programs. In the experience of this advertiser, there's evidence that what works on a national basis is equally effective lor the local or regional sponsor. Sustaining PHILADELPHIA AND SUBURBAN TOWN MEETING Vital topics of international, national or local interest get the spotlight in Philadelphia and Suburban Town Meeting, new public service feature offered c:)ver \\ TIL, Philadelphia, Pa. One problem is discussed on each broadcast, with outstanding authorities in that field presented on each program. Discussion which follows each talk is presided o\er bv a distinguished moderator. A board of supervisors selects the topics for discussion, also recommends speakers and moderators. Members of the board represent outstanding public spirited citizens. Topics discussed include, Does the U.\. (jive a Reasonable (juarantee Against War?, and Wliat Can Be Done to Rate of Crime in Curb the Grozving Philadelphia? Broadcast each Sunday from the \\TIL studio, the half-hoin^ series goes on the air at 4:00 P.M. Members of the studio audience are invited to participate in discussions. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: April 28. 1946. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday. 4:00-4:30 P.M. Station: WFIL, Philadelphia. Pa. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 2,081,602. COMMENT: Here's new addition to JULY, 1946 • 239 e