Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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THESAURUS PROGRAM NEWS To present complete information on new releases from NBC Thesaurus, NBC Radio-Recording Division is issuing a monthly eight-page brochure of NBC Thesaurus Program News. Color and clever drawings serve as eye catchers for interesting text on various availabilities. Brochure is the brain child of William R. Seth, director of advertising and promotion. Monthly release is in line with NBC Thesaurus plan to devote the major portion of its efforts toward building exclusive program organizations for its subscriber stations. First two issues give a cross-section of the type of musical program organizations 275 radio stations throughout the country are receiving for extensive local programming. CLAIMS TO FAME To help create greater understanding of radio's contribution to community life, this series will highlight the development of stations who subscribe to RADIO SHOWMANSHIP for their advertisers in various parts of the country. WORTH SHOUTING ABOUT Highlight of CJOR's twentieth anniversary celebration in Vancouver, B. C, was the dedication of a new 5,000-watt transmitter. To mark the event, a nation-wide radio show originated in Vancouver and was sent coastto-coast by the CBC-Dominion network. For the benefit of businessmen unable to tune-in the broadcast during working hours, the program was presented the same day at a luncheon of the Vancouver Board of Trade Ad and Sales Bureau. As a tie-in with the event, a special edition of the CJOR News was distributed through the mails and to persons attending the broadcast and luncheon. SOMETHING TO TIE TO Every radio receiver repaired or serviced in the Philadelphia area by members of the Philadelphia Radio Service Men's Association now returns to the listener's home with a novel promotion piece attached to the dial, listing outstanding WFIL-ABC programs, and announcing WFIL as PRSMA's standard testing station. Attachment is in the form of a necktie, with WFIL programs listed across the multi-color stripes. On the reverse side, the promotion piece explains that WFIL has been selected by the Service Men's Association as their official test reception station. The audience promotion feature is a part of a mutual benefit agreement recently reached by WFIL and PRSMA. The association clears all service calls through a central agency, and the member located nearest the particular listener's home is sent to service the receiver involved. WFIL and WFIL-FM carry spot announcements explaining PRSMA service to listeners. ROUND-UP To keep public interest in MALLEY'S new show. Sun-up Round-up, station WELI, New Haven, Conn., used billboards, trolley car posters and railroad station displays. This all in addition to the habitual reminder spot announcements and the editorial columns of WELILife. Campaign is part and parcel of the WELI tune-in reminders for programs of outstanding interest. SALUTE TO WWDC WWDC, Washington, D.C., was founded in April, 1940. Its oldest advertising account, the Carry Ice Cream Company, began using the station when it first went on the air. WWDC has a great record for public service programming. During the Seventh War Loan drive it was cited by the Treasury Department for selling more than 1700,000 in E Bonds (more than anywhere else where the sub was displayed) in connection with the appearance in Washington of a captured German submarine. WWDC was the originator of singing jingles as station break announcements in War Bond promotion, and the Treasury sent transcriptions based on the WWDC idea all over the country. The United States Coast Guard cited W^W^DC for its exclusive broadcasting of the musical programs of the Spars Band. rhroughout the war all WWDC }3rograms were piped to Walter Reed general hospital. In the Sixth Loan drive, in cooperation with Walter Reed patients, it conducted a Bond auction. Cooperating with the Army, WWDC produced the (U Oscar Axcard progiam at VV^alter Reed hospital when honors voted by GI's all over the world were bestowed on noted entertainers. So far as is known, VV^AVDC originated the first cjuiz program dealing with biblical subjects. In Washington it was the (list station to make awards to persons wlio had performed some unusually courteous act. For the past four years WWDC has sponsored the Miss WasJi'niiylon beauty and talent contest for the national Miss America pageant. • 250 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP