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Youth Rules Dairyland Throne
New Twist to Teen-Time Series Pulls Mail, Builds Listeners, Creates Sales for Foremost Dairyland Ice Cream Co., Houston
OVER 100 telephone calls in the first 45 minutes following its initial ippearance on the airwaves! That's a >ample of the response given Foremost Dairyland's new air hit, Teen-Time Club, a one-hour morning show present. d each Saturday over KTHT, Houston, lex. The inaugural performance was May 4, but in less than a month it had )Utgrown the studio's capacity and it ivas necessary to make plans to move the broadcast to neighborhood theaters. Belore the summer is over it is expected hat Teen-Time will set a new high in ocal Hooperatings.
LISTENERS PARTICIPATE Teen Time Club, the brain child of
:.and's advertising agency, capitalizes on he listener participation angle and it is >Ianted at the audience which represents -he greatest consumers of the product idvertised, the Dairyland Eskimo Pie. V week of spot announcements, together A'ith a spread of newspaper advertising, reated interest for the first broadcast.
The progiam begins with the coronaion of the teen age boy and girl who lave been selected from mail entries to ict as Dairyland King and Queen for )ne broadcast. The couple's contest entry nust contain a snappy definition of an Eskimo Pie and a list of their ten favorle tunes. Interviews with the winners by I jive-talking, hep-cat announcer are eatured. Their selected tunes are played ind a gift presentation is made to them. Two brief participation commercials, md theme-music complete the show.
Local merchants have gone all-out in he gift department with duplicate prizes
for each winner. For the first broadcast merchants contributed |5.00 for spending money for the King and Queen; record albums of their own choosing; an orchid to the Queen and a boutonniere to the King; theatre tickets; dinner for two at Houston's leading restaurant; pictures of themselves before the mike; recordings of the radio show, and a standing order for a week's supply of Eskimo Pies. Credit recognitions are given the merchants on their donations and more gifts are coming in each week.
Mail response to the new show has been heavy from the start, indicating listener interest far beyond that expected for the first show. With its original purpose of promoting the sale of Dairyland's already-popular confection, the Eskimo Pie, Teen Time Club has proven at once how effective radio advertising can be in stimulating interest in a particular product.
The Foremost Dairyland Ice Cream Company is no stranger to the medium of radio as an advertising oiulet. The company is an outgrowth of a firm established in Houston prior to the turn of the century. It has operated as the Dairyland Ice Cream Company for the past several years. This March it was purchased by Foremost Farms, Incorporated, of Florida. Throughout their farflung organization, the Foremost Farms firms are extensive users of radio time. In Houston, they have sponsored for some time the quarter hour bi-weekly show Ladies, What's On Your Minds?. Now, with the additions of Teen Time Club, Foremost Dairyland proves its firm belief in radio advertising.
AUGUST, 1946
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