Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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^Wio-1^_niin^ !l INTRODUCES ^<? in Ifce cou«^*K . new situation-comedy show . fresh as country air LYLE SUDROW is Young Husband, Bruce Marshall ABBY LEWIS is Telephone Operator, Clarabelle Hopkins PATSY CAMPBELL is Young Wife, Joan Marshall ^^iSfJ* HUGH JAMES and BUD COLLYER are announcers ■ ■ Nudge your memory a moment! That dream of A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. Remember? . . . And even if you don't remember . . . never adventured into that wondrous dreamland . . . this is a lively situation-comedy program that radio advertisers and the people in your town want. For figures prove that listeners show an overwhelming preference for situation-comedy shows. From the moment A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY opens and voices cordially say, "Come In". . . pandemonium breaks loose with hilarious situations, excruciating problems and, of course, love. A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY is fastly paced . . . expertly acted by outstanding network talent and cleverly written by Ray Knight, one of radio's top comedy scripters. Write today to NBC Radio Recording for audition records and complete details. 52 half-hours for 1-a-week broadcast NBC ^..Radio-Recoiiling Division Radio Corporolion of AmBrico RCA Building, Radio City, New York • Chicago • Wathington • Hollywood • Son Frandteo DISTRIBUTED IN CANADA THROUGH All CANADA RADIO FACIIITIE5. TORONTO, ONTAR/0