Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Laundries BALBOA MUSICAL DISCOVERIES To dramatize the firm name, Balboa Laundry R: Dry Cleaners took to radio, with a musical tie-in with the Balboa discovery theme. Broadcast over KFMB, San Diego, Calif., the program features Balboa Musical Discoveries, with a band or soloist on each broadcast as the discovery of the day. While commercials call attention to special or new services and the over-all high quality cleaning done by Balboa, the sponsor is doing an almost straight institutional job. Program is directed at the housewife, with light, cheerful music the general ride. Commercials written in the same vein are presented in an intimate, easy style. \Vhen Balboa first took on sponsorship of the series, it was for the main retail and wholesale plant. Its five new shops are now included on the program. Promotionotions: dealer letters, sent out to a special mailing list, newspaper ads and courtesy announcements. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: November 19, 1945. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 11:15 11:30 a.m. Preceded By: Baukhage Talking. Followed By: The Listening Post. sponsor: Balboa Laundry 8C Dry Cleaners. Station: KFMB, San Diego, Calif. Power: 250 watts. Population: 350,000. Agency: Allied Business Builders. I COMMENT: Both unity of program mood and increased sponsor identification may be achieved through original variations in title and theme, even though the pro gram format may be simplicity itself. Here's an excellent example which illustrates how successful such a technique may be. Public Utilities DUDE RANCH BUCKAROOS When the Dude Ranch Buckaroos hit the WTAA trail, it's to round up Dallas, Tex. housewives. It's the branding iron of the Lone Star Gas Company that stamps the show three times a week, although the series is on the air as a five-a-week show. With the Dude Ranch Buckaroos to corral listeners, Lone Star set out to sell the audience on the benefits of modern gas service through gas appliances. Also lassoed is good will. Popular western music insures a good audience among housewives at their morning chores. Informal, chatty commercials are made more effective through the inclusion of helpful household suggestions. AIRFAX: While the Buckaroos are a western string band, programs are varied to present a variety of music. Personalities on the show are built up by name. Announcer Eddie Evans ad libs the music introductions, acts as question man for John Allen, "The man with the flame," who gives the commercials. Musicians answer to first names on the show, are part and parcel of the program. First Broadcast: December 10, 1945. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 11:45-12:00 (noon). Preceded By: Texas School of the Air. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Lone Star Gas Co. Station: WFAA, Dallas, Tex. Power: 50,000 watts. COMMENT: To achieve maximum audiences, it's mighty important to select the type of music that fits the listener preferences of a specific region. ^Vhere western TO SELL YOUR TRANSCRIPTION SHOWS IN WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO, BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALASKA write or wire MILTON HURWITZ c/o 215 Douglas Building Seattle 1, Wash. REFERENCE: ANY ADVERTISING AGENCY OR RADIO STATION IN THIS TERRITORY N . B. For quick action rush an audition disc, contracts, and particulars OCTOBER, 1946 • 353 •