Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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Program: Studer Street Reporter. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 242. Sponsor: Al's Photo Shop. Station: KGIR, Butte, Mont. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 243. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Paul Linwood Gittings, Photographer. Station: KPRC, Houston, Tex. Department: Special Article, p. 375. • PUBLIC UTILITIES • JANUARY Sponsor: Union Electric Co. Station: KMOX, St. Louis, Mo, Department: Special Article, p. 16. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Westchester Lighting Co. Station: WFAS, White Plains, N. Y. Department: Special Article, p. 44. Sponsor: City of Duluth, Water dC Gas Dept. Station: WEBC, Duluth, Minn. Program: The Blue Flame. Department: Airing the New, p. 62. JULY Sponsor: Ohio Bell Telephone Co. Station: WGAR, Cleveland, O. Program: Serenade for Smoothies. Department: Proof O' the Pudding, p. 244. AUGUST Sponsor: Tacoma City Light Co. Station: KMO, Tacoma, Wash. Program: Campus Radio Theatre. Department: Proof O' the Pudding, p. 284. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Indiana Service Corp. Station: WOWO, Fort Wayne, Ind. Program: Happy Gang. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 314. OCTOBER Sponsor: Public Service Co. of Colo. Station: KOA, Denver, Colo. Department: Special Article, p. 331. Sponsor: Union Electric Co. Station: KMOX, St. Louis, Mo. Department: Special Article, p. 337. Sponsor: Lone Star Gas Co. Station: WFAA, Dallas, Tex. Program: Dude Ranch Buckaroos. Department: Airing the New, p. 353. . REALTORS • JUNE Sponsor: Robert L. Saxton, Realtor. Station: KIT, Yakima, Wash. Program: Saxton's Sidewalk Survey. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 207. OCTOBER Sponsor: Frank L. McGuire. Department: Special Article, p. 338. . RESTAURANTS • FEBRUARY Sponsors: Hackney's Restaurant. Station: WFPG, Atlantic City, N.J. Department: Special Article, p. 50. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Beverly Country Club. Department: Special Article, p. 378. Program: Sclby News. Department: Special Article, p. 342. • SHOES • OCTOBER Sponsor: Selby Retail Shoe Store. Station: WPAY, Portsmouth, O. . STORAGE . MARCH Sponsor: Lyon Van 8C Storage Co. Department: Special Article, p. 86. APRIL Sponsor: Bekins Van 8C Storage Co.. Department: Special Article, p. 118. OCTOBER Sponsor: Bekins Moving 8c Storage Co. Station: KOA, Denver, Colo. Department: Special Article, p. 331. . TRANSPORTATION APRIL Sponsor: Checker Cab Co. Station: WCOS, Columbia, S. Car. Program: Journal of the Air. Department: Airing the New, p. 136. OCTOBER Sponsor: Boston 8C Maine Railroad. Station: WEEI, Boston, Mass. Department: Special Article, p. 337. • WOMEN'S WEAR • JANUARY Sponsor: Makcff. Station: KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Department: Special Article, p. 18. Sponsor: Kline's. Station: WMRN, Marion, O. Department: Special Article, p. 22. APRIL Sponsor: Levy's Ladies' Toggery, Memphis, Tenn.. Station: WROJ, Clarksdale, Miss. Program: Romantic Music. Department: Airing the New, p. 136. MAY Sponsor: Gordon's Style Shop. Station: KGNC, Amarillo, Tex. Program: Style Notes. Department: Proof O' the Pudding, p. 174. JULY Sponsor: Whipple's. Station: KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Department: Special Article, p. 224. Sponsor: Rice's Fashion Center. Station: WTAR, Norfolk, Va. Program: Hi-Teen Board. Department: Airing the New, p. 240. Sponsor: Konner's. Station: WPAT, Paterson, N.J. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 243. Sponsor: Franklin's. Station: KNOW, Austin, Tex. Program: Franklin News. Department: Proof O' the Pudding, p. 246. AUGUST Sponsor: Swelldom Stores. Station: KMPC, Los Angeles, Calif. Program: A Song for You. Department: Airing the New, p. 278. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: La Vogue Fashion Show. Station: KYSM, Mankato, Minn. Department: Special Article, p. 304. OCTOBER Sponsor: Corinne's Ready-to-Wear. Station: WJBO, Baton Rouge, La. Department: Airing the New, p. 354. DECEMBER, 1 946 • 429 «