Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on. sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Automobile Supplies ZOOK SPORT SPOTLIGHT When the Zook Tire Company focused the Zook Sport Spotlight on KOA, Denver, Colo., listeners, it was primarily as an institutional venture, but a single sales test pointed up the tact that good will is boon companion to increased sales. When a number of good used tires were offered on the show, hundreds of orders came from such places as Iowa, Nevada and Oklahoma, plus Colorado and all adjacent states. While the commercial time-out is clocked just less than one-minute each, with two commercials on each quarterhour show, the series has been used to build good will among dealers who handle Zfx>K Armor Treads, with name mention of dealers used to good advantage. Series originally started on a local 250watter as a daily program, but in 1944 it was moved to KOA on a weekly schedule to cover all Zook dealers and plants. Series ran .^)9 weeks in 1915, only taking time-out for sunnner vacation. During the football season, there's a transformation on the show with emphasis on football. What listeners get during the pigskin heydey is a Foot hall Srorrljoa)(J. Sj)orts( aster Mark Sclneiber rounds up football scores of the nation, in sections, starting with the home icgion with all s(()i(s broken down into sections and highlighls used onlv on iniporlant (ontcsis ])liis l<)(al gauics. Also iiu hided in llicloiinal: To flax's Tof) Sjx)) I Sl<>\ ics , \(\l llrr/,''s Spoils ('.(ilcudar LocdUy, and ivvoawaid selec lions, {\\v Zook Tcmn of the Week and the Z^ook Player of the Week. Promotion includes screen trailers in Fox theatres featuring a picture of sports writer-announcer Schreiber; taxi cab signs on all Yellow Cabs, newspaper lineage and KOA courtesy announcements. Zook plants feature store displays with time-and-station data, and envelope stuffers for outgoing Zook mail are also used from time to time. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: September 21, 1945. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 6:00-6:15 p.m. Preceded By: Curtain Time. Followed By: Musical Menu. Sponsor: Zook Tire Co. Station: KOA. Denver, Colo. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 450,000. Agency: Ball 8C Davidson, Inc. COMMENT: Step number one in the planning of a successful broadcast series is to select a program which will appeal to the audience group that represents the logical market for the advertiser. That such a plan works is indicated by the sponsor's experience here. Department Store COME AND GET IT For the J. T. iMcCui LOCH CoMANV, Portsiuouth, O., one thing lead to another, radiowise. The chain began with a transcribed quarter-hotn. Voice of Experience. That experience led to Come and Get It, another transcribed feature. Listeners responded to the Come and Get It appeal of the McCulloch commercials to such an extent that at the conclusion of the series, McCuix(x:h contracted for the 10:00 a.m. news on a twice-a-week schedule over WPAY. More than pleased with the residts from the Come and Get It series was store manager, J. T. McCulloch. His comment: "From time to time, we used various oiusianding household furnishing articles from stock as specials on our three commercials, and we received almost immediate and veiy successful results." Because this tiansci ibed progiam is designed primarily for women, but also has interest and entei tainmeiH \alue for other members of the family. Come and (U't It gave Mc:Ciii.i.oc;irs the exact audience 102 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP