Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Children's Wear PUNCH AND JUDY FUN CLUB AVhen the Punch and Judy Shop prepared for its opening in September, 1946, the management wanted an unusually effective program, not only to introduce it to Savannah mothers and youngsters, but also to establish it quickly as the only complete children's shop in Savannah, Ga. The Punch and Judy Fun Club was WSAV's answer. Broadcast from the stage of the Victory Theater, which was playing a children's program of comedy shorts each Saturday, the Fun Club hits the air at 12:30 each Saturday, catching a theater full of youngsters in a receptive mood. Program is designed to further that mood, being a combination of stunts, community singing, contests and general all 'round fun. All participants are drawn from the audience. All contestants win a prize, the winner an appropriate gift from the Punch and Judy Shop, the loser a ticket to the theater for the next Saturday's movie and Fun Club Show. Jimmie Woods, WSAV's production manager, emcees the show. Mel Peacock, WSAV's musical director, handles any song the children want to sing on his accordian. Commercials for the most part are adlibbed around the gifts which the Punch AND Judy Shop furnishes. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: October 5, 1946. Broadcast Schedule: 12:30-1:00 p.m. Saturdays. Preceded By: Consumer Time. Followed By: National Farm and Home Hour. Sponsored By: Punch 8C Judy Shop. Station: WSAV, Savannah, Georgia. Power: 250 watts. Population: 160,000. COMMENT: Program here offers a natural vehicle for reaching the desired audience and for weaving (onmiercials iiuo the show as prizes are given. And it's a splendid way to reach the liome tlncnigli the audience group who are the sprmsor's logical market, namely, the (hildren. Finance SECURITY SYMPHONIA W'iial keeps lather al his daily giind and mother pinching the pennies is the age-old human desire for security. To give them the iidormation which leads toward that goal, the Security First National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif., took to the air with Security Symphonia broadcast over KMPC. Its intent and purpose: to offer listeners information about the various departments of the bank, i.e., real estate, personal loans, checking accounts, trust department and employment. Once each month there is a brief report from the research department of the bank on business conditions of Southern California. To promote its program of strictly classical and semi-classical music. Security BaxNk issues a bi-weekly program schedule which is circulated in all branches of the bank. ''Take One" counter cards are placed throughout the banks so that visitors will pick them up. Booklet lists the daily selections to be heard on the broadcasts for the next two weeks. When the bank took on sponsorship of the series, it distributed 11,000 postcards among its employees for mailing to their friends. Postcards called attention to the bank's program on KMPC. In addition, both KMPC and Security National placed advertising in local newspapers. AIRFAX: With Howard Rhines as emcee, the program includes brief program notes about the lives of com-' posers, other pertinent information. First Broadcast: August 19, 1946. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 7:057:30 p.m. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Firestone Favorites. Sponsor: Security National Bank. Station: KMPC, Los Angeles, Calif. Power: 10,000 watts. Population: 1,805,687. Agency: Foote, Cone & Belding. COMMENT: The first essential is to select the specific audience to which the spon MARCH, 1947 105