Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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I . , We are very interested in RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Mag azine. Each month we loot forward to reading what other stores are doing in the way of radio advertising. Although our radio advertising is not too extensive we do find your publication very valuable. J. O. Clark C. C. ANDERSON STORES Ogden, Utah ... Not only is RADIO SHOWMANSHIP an attractive little book, full of interesting radio news, but we also find it most helpful in ideas for our own work with radio. We would miss the magazine very much. M. G. Barker THE CHICAGO TIMES Chicago, 111. . . . The writer has been receiving RADIO SHOWMANSHIP for the past six months and I have found numerous helpful articles in regards to radio merchandising and advertising. J. O. BURGESS LLOYD FRIESEN QUALITY FOOTWEAR Olympia, Wash. . . . We are very much interested in RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE, and as Ripley would say, believe it or not, we read each issue as received, from cover to cover. George F. Boynton FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. New Haven, Conn. . . RADIO SHOWMANSHIP is of interest to us and we are confident that as we do more radio advertising we will find many ideas in your magazine which will be of help to us. R. H. Furtney GOLD MEDAL PACKING CORP. Urica, N. Y. . . . We find RADIO SHOWMANSHIP very interesting and helpful to our business. L. K. Hagaman THE MENGEL CO. Louisville, Ky. ... I find RADIO SHOWMANSHP both interesting and educational. E. George Weber MICHIGAN BEER DISTRIBUTING CO. Saginaw, Mich. . . . We enjoy your magazine very much. We receive it through the courtesy of Radio Station WFIL. HARDWICK 8C MAGEE CO. Philadelphia, Pa. ... I should have expressed my appreciation for RADIO SHOWMANSHIP earlier. However, in the rush of our busy season it was overlooked. I have found your magazine very interesting and good reading. J. E. Kearney SEALTEST ICE CREAM Buffalo, N. Y. . . . RADIO SHOWMANSHIP provides useful ideas in our business. M. L. Krewer WASHINGTON WHOLESALERS Washington, D. C. ... I have been very much interested in reading RADIO SHOWMANSHIP. Quite often there are ideas that can be derived from what other advertisers are doing which sometime we may be able to apply to our own business. Hatcher E. Scott GLOBE OIL &. REFINING CO. Wichita, Ka. . . . During the past few months we have found many interesting and helpful ideas in RADIO SHOWMANSHIP and we look forward to receiving future issues. C. E. Borck BORCK 8C STEVENS Bridgeport, Conn. ... I enjoy RADIO SHOWMANSHIP very much. Eiddon L. Jones FIRST BANK 8C TRUST CO. Utica, N. Y. . . . We have and continue to use radio advertising in our business, and for that reason we find your magazine very interesting reading. W. F. Blaha OLSEN & EBANN JEWELRY CO. Chicago, 111. ... I read RADIO SHOWMANSHIP regularly, and derive a great deal of pleasure from its editorial pages and the very many interesting articles which abound throughout the magazine. George H. Hurst HURST FURNITURE 8C RADIO STORES Hamilton, Ont. ... We receive RADIO SHOWMANSHIP regularly, and appreciate it very much. It is indeed a most excellent magazine and filled with material of interest to radio advertisers. Hugh D. Cook FONTANA FARMS CO. Fontana, Calif. . . . Your handy little maifa/ine it about our only radio-reading source. Please continue to send RADIO SHOWMANSHIP. I.. H. Cummings SEARS, ROLBUCK &: CO. Birmingham, Ala. . . . We are enjoying very much your publication, RADIO SHOWMANSHIP, which is sent us through the courtesy of Radio Station KOMA. T. L. Gibson, Jr. OKLAHOMA GAS &. ELECTRIC CO. Oklahoma City, Okla. . . . You are doing a good job. Keep it up. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP makes very interesting reading. Joe Slater HOME PRIDE STORE New Bern, N. C. ... I have just received my first copy of RADIO SHOWMANSFIIP, and I want to offer my congratulations for publishing a magazine that I am sure benefits the many business establishments that use the medium of radio as a method of advertising. My subscription is coming to me through the courtesy of Radio Station CHEX and I don't think they could have picked a better or more practical gift. Bert Krugel MEYERS STUDIOS, PHOTOGRAPHERS Peterborough. Ont. . . . We find your magazine informative and helpful. Fred L. Mahaffcy CONSOLIDATED FINANCE CORP. Indianapolis, Ind. . . . We have done considerable advertising over both Detroit and Toledo radio stations and we are. of course, alive to new and better program ideas and promotions. That is why we are subscribing to your magazine. H. F. Gerta FLORAL CITY FURNITURE CO. Monroe. Mich. . . . While at present our radio activities are somewhat restricted due to existing shortages and government restrictions imposed on our industry, we receive RADIO SHOWMANSHIP regularly, and enjoy reading it. Forrest G. Meyer COLORADO MILLING 8C ELEVATOR COMPANY Denver, Colo. APRIL, 1947 129